Some problems with it

1 - I didn't feel that the passing of time was effectively conveyed - the film felt like it took place over a few days at best and the notion that 30 actual days had gone by just didn't convince at all - i could have just about accepted the days in the atic but after that, it seemed like the following events took place on the same day

2 - similarly, the size of the town was also not convincingly portrayed - it felt like everything took place in one main street - i never got the impression the town was as big as it was presented in the opening scenes

3 - surely there must have been other survivors but they were never shown or even hinted at by the group or by the vampires

4 - there was no explanation for how Jake got out of the sherrifs office and the woman didn't - he was just there in the diner waiting without any reference to how he got there or why she didn't - did he abandon her or what

5 - How on earth did the guy survive the explosion - he was stood right next to it

6 - When Stella finds the little girl, they hide under the car but this appears to take place on the final day - so how did this girl survive on her own for 4 weeks


Another problem: too many Kiwi actors for a film taking place in Alaska. It ruined the atmosphere.
