MovieChat Forums > Rome (2005) Discussion > who was glad caesar died

who was glad caesar died

I was happy she killed him after her beat her.

He thought he was a god. It was time for him to die. He really needed it.



i am no troll you self hating witch of a woman


Caesar was a manipulator.. yes he beat her, because he had to make her hate him so he could leave and she wouldn't pursue him.. I'm not trying to justify it or anything, just that his goals and ambitions were now in jeopardy because of his affair being made public and it making his marriage to Calpernia look like a farce.. which would be used by his political rivals to make him look like an immoral ruler who is not setting a proper example.. I know it sounds somewhat hypocritical since this is what they likely all did anyway, but he had to maintain his public image to a degree.

As for Caesar thinking he was a god.. I doubt it, yes he was declared a god in the tv show, I don't know about historically, but that was just to enhance his image, to make himself some kind of icon and hero and propagate himself as being invincible and somebody to be feared.. he was increasing the power his name had.. and actually if I recall correctly it was Octavian who had him declared as a god, so that Octavian could be seen as the son of a god, at least that's a line we heard from Marc Antony.

As for being glad or not when he died.. it was part of the story and I enjoyed where the story went afterwards.. I suppose I didn't like the way in which he died though, it was rather horrible and I think out of all of them it was Posca who was most saddened by the loss of Caesar since Posca himself was a sort of vassal of Caesar, yes he was his slave, but we saw that he was his advisor, his friend, his confidant, Posca loved Caesar, and so that's how I choose to see his death.


Caesar slapped Servilia because she attached him first physically. During ancient Rome even noble women had no right, Women had no real power or authority. Servilia new Caesar would never marry her or leave his wife. She wanted to be his mistress because Caesar is greatest Roman ever lived. Most historians say Servilia was not a nice person. She mad affairs other Caesar, she treated her half brother Cato like crap, hated her son, and the rumor is she asked Caesar to marry one her daughters who looked like Caesar real daughter.


we are not talking real one we are talking the show wtf
in the show he acted like a pos


I am talking about the show. She attacked him first in the show when he told her that he will not see her anymore. She is the one who was hostile, and angry towards him. He cared for her, but he was not going ruin his power and control over Rome because of her. He did the right thing, but in the end it got him killed. OK, so get over it what its in the show


he could have shoved her away or restrained her but he slapped the *beep* out of her

to the poitn she was on the floor he over did it

even if he just slapped her once fine but he kept going on

he was a pos so she killed him and im glad


he could have shoved her away or restrained her but he slapped the *beep* out of her

to the poitn she was on the floor he over did it

even if he just slapped her once fine but he kept going on

Oh, so you think the retaliation was disproportionate to the offense?

he was a pos so she killed him and im glad

Takes one to know one, I guess. What I find funny is that you now think a disproportionate reaction is ok, unless I missed the bit where Caesar assassinated Servilia first. Make up your mind: if you think Caesar shouldn't have slapped Servilia, then you should also be of the opinion that Servilia should not have killed Caesar. Unless you're a hypocrite, of course.


The man made a mean salad


I was sad when he died and the beating he dished out to his side chick was justified. She forced Caesar to display just how strong his pimp hand was so he let her have it.


bahahah, Ceasar's Pimp Hand
