MovieChat Forums > Vera Drake (2005) Discussion > Abortion: For or Against?

Abortion: For or Against?

Hey peeps,

I have just watched this movie and found it a great movie with important issues.
How does everyone feel about Abortions and Backstreet Abortions.

I personally am 99% AGAINST abortions. The 1% FOR abortion i believe would include young teens pregnant from being Raped, which is morally wrong and it would be extremely difficult to have a baby and as it grows it would traumatize the parent of the rape, and if the baby is put up for adoption the baby would grow up and have alot of questions once it grows up and it would be difficult for the child aswell as the mother.

Its a difficult and confusing subject to talk about, where babies are being killer/Murdered for all the wrong reasons.

How do you feel about abortion and how do you feel about this movie. I feel for Vera she was a good woman who only wanted to help but she didnt know any better and she should have really looked at what she was really doing and that she was killing a human being.

But overall 8/10 movie (Some parts dragged on)
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i am absolutely FOR abortion. i think its every mother's right to abort her unborn child regardless of religion or beliefs. when most women have abortions, the nervous system, including the brain, hasn't developed yet so it feels no pain. so it should be socially acceptable. christianity took that away from women. "pro-life" people should realize that. and i don't give a damn if someone has a problem with it.


my view is that i personally think that abortion is wrong and would never do it... however i dont think i have the right to tell others what to do with their body. god gave us al free will right? he gave us the ability to decide what course we want to take in our lives right? well if so then those women who want an abortion can go and have one because at the end of the day it is them that will stand infront of god on judgement day and will have beg his forgivness


I am 100% for abortion. I think it is wrong that someone should be forced to go through with something they aren't ready to do, or cannot handle. And charlie_hector, remember God hates sin but loves sinners =]


I'm 100% for it.


First of all, to charlie hector: I dont understand how you can be against abortion (as I am), but then be alright with other people doing it. If its wrong, its wrong for EVERYONE, not just you. By your logic, it would be fine if murder and drug-use was legal, because even though you think those things are wrong, its everyone's right to choose their own life path before they have to be judged before God. Ridiculous.

Let me just make clear what my position is. Abortion is wrong and unjustifiable in any situation. It sounds harsh, but that means ANY situation. A human being is defined as something which has the active potential to be a thinking, choosing organism. That potential is something which is engrained into a human organism from conception. There is never a time during the pregnancy in which abortion is fine. Humanity begins at conception. Once youve realized that humanity begins at conception, that means no situation, no matter how uncomfortable, inconvenient or painful, can justify the murder of an innocent human being. The moral decision is rarely the one with the best outcome. Keep that in mind.

now for "imdbgod", I wanna see if i cant go point by point through your 9 points and refute each:

1. Laws against abortion kill women.

So just because people would still do it if its illegal, it should be made legal? So then robbery and drug use should be legal, because hey, people still do them despite their illegality. Theives should be able to go through the proper channels to take away someone's hard-earned possessions and cocaine and herione should be sold at every corner drug store.

2. Legal abortions protect women's health

Well, first off, women with things like sicke-cell anemia shouldnt be getting pregnant and should exercise a little more responsibility. But, for the sake of argument, lets pretend that she had no say in her getting pregnant. Is there no thought for the unborn child, which is a human itself? Yeah, it sucks she has to be in such a situation; its just about the worst spot to be in. But it doesnt justify murder.

3. A woman is more than a fetus.

What makes a woman more than her child? The fact shes further along in her development? Then i guess it would be fine for her to kill a 6-month old as well. Her ability to think and reason? Again, 6-month old. The issue of abortion is not about woman, its about whether or not the fetus is a human being, and whether terminating it can be justified. If its demeaning, its equally demeaning to men, unless you tihnk women are more human than men are.

4. Being a mother is just one option for women.

I half agree with you on tihs. Of course, not all women have to be homemakers and have to care for children. If the government made a law requiring all women to bear children, I would be 100% with you. But if someone makes the choice that theyre responsible and adult enough to have sex, then they should face the results like an adult, not just sweep it under the rug. And, again concerning rape, as much as it sucks, it doesnt justify murder. Thats just the way it is.

5. Outlawing abortion is discriminatory

Outlawing abortion has nothing to do with trying to trap low-income women into getting pregnant. It has to do with realizing that the fetus is a human from conception, and nothing justifies its murder. All you're doing is shifting the argument from what it is (the definition of humanity and when humanity is achieved) to side issues that become moot points (sexism, discrimination against low-income women, etc.)

6. Compulsory pregnancy laws are incompatible with a free society.

Again, if we were discussing a law in which the government forced women to have sex and get pregnant, id be with you. You're right that pregnancy is a completely private matter, but the murder of the fetus is not, anymore than killing your spouse is a "private matter".

7. Outlaw abortion, and more children will bear children.

Your assuming that all those girls under 20 didnt want to get pregnant. Is it impossible that a 19 year old, say, made the decision to have a child? And you know what: teenagers who are careless and lack proper knowledge have no one to blame but themselves. With the freedom in which people discuss sex knowadays, particularly in the school system, its damn near impossible to get to be 15 and not know how sex works. By your logic, personal responsibility goes out the door and kids dont have to account for their mistakes. Should a 15 year old who gets caught robbing a house or stealing a car not be punished?

8. "Every child a wanted child."

There are more options than motherhood after someone gives birth. Things like adoption and foster care exist for people who DO want a child. And you cant predict what a child's upbringing is going to be like. There are plenty of examples of women who have gotten abortions and then regretted it, and also of women who got pregnant via rape and decided to have the child. There are also plenty of stories of people coming out of abusive households and broken homes who made something of themselves. So dont make it that if the child isnt going to be fully affluent, its not worth being alive.

9. Choice is good for families.

Family planning is good to the extent that a couple should exercise responsibility in knowing when they can afford to have a child. This ties in with how sex works. The concept of sex and pregnancy are intertwined. If you're having sex, then that is a declaration that says you are ready and responsible enough to have a child. Theres nothing wrong with enjoying the act of sex and the intimacy that it brings, but eliminating the child-bearing aspect of it by just saying, "Oh well, I can always get an abortion" is wrong.

I want to just end by saying that you have no concept of what abortion is about. It has nothing to do with women's placement in society and not letting them control if they have children. No one is going into their homes and making women have sex. If it were men who get pregnant, I would be saying the exact same thing. Gender has no real affect on the morality of abortion. I dont care if women have children or not. What I do care about is when they get pregnant, they decide to fling responsibility into the wind and just white-out their unborn child, like its a car theyre not happy with after buying. Thats not how pregnancy works, and I abhor that position. You also have a severely warped view of pro-life leaders. What pro-life leader has opposed proper nutrition and care for children once theyve been born? What leader has opposed proper pre-natal care for the mother and her child (unless you're including abortion as "proper pre-natal care")? Ive never heard of a pro-life leader opposing responsible family planning and sex education. There are other methods than contraception you know. Timing, for instance.

Your fooling yourself into thinking that abortion is the only thing that allows women to have an equal stance in society, and that abolishing it would send us back to the stone age where woman are just child-bearing recepticles. Its fine if you dont ever get pregnant in your life. But once you are, that child is YOURS. There isnt a 9-month warranty on it where you can just get rid of it. You dont have to be a life-long mother, but you are responsible for it. Life's *beep* sometimes, but thats the way it is.



alright, im like the 400th person to post on this. Do you expect to go through and make sure I only say new tihngs? sheesh




A woman should be able to abort her baby if she so pleases...Who cares, it's her 400 dollars and the "baby" does not feel anything...where's the wrong? People who say that it is murder need perspective.



How many more times must I post this???

Week 3: Beginning development of the brain, heart, blood cells, circulatory system, spinal cord, and digestive system.
Week 4: Beginning development of bones, facial structures, and limbs (presence of arm and leg buds); continuing development of the heart (which begins to beat), brain, and nervous tissue.
Week 5: Beginning development of eyes, nose, kidneys, lungs; continuing development of the heart (formation of valves), brain, nervous tissue, and digestive tract.
Week 6: Beginning development of hands, feet, and digits; continuing development of brain, heart, and circulation system.
Week 7: Beginning development of hair follicles, nipples, eyelids, and sex organs (testes or ovaries); first formation of urine in the kidneys and first evidence of brain waves.
Week 8: Facial features more distinct, internal organs well developed, the brain can signal for muscles to move, heart development ends, external sex organs begin to form.

It has a heart at 3 weeks old. It's a living thing. Therefore, abortion is MURDER. No dancing around that.


I don't know, how many more times til' you realize that you are a very silly person?


Therefore, abortion is MURDER. No dancing around that.

Murder is the illegal killing of another person, abortion is not illegal, therefore it is not murder


Underwood_r, while I respect your opinion and dislike the idea of abortion as a form of birth control I do disagree with you on a couple of points.

I just want to point out that for the pro-choice camp it isn't about 'white-washing' an unborn child because they do not see it as a child. Please don't misunderstand me and I am in NO way belittling your view on it but just from what you have said it doesn't appear you understand that (I don't mean *agree* I simply mean *understand*) I don't know of a single pro-choice advocate who likes the idea of having this procedure done and for the most part I think they see it as a necessary evil.

There is one more thing that I noticed about the pro-life camp. I see practically no support for the expectant mom after she delivers. The majority of programs that are in place seem to only support the mom through the pregnancy, but not after. The programs I have seen have been mostly the sort where once you deliver the kid you are shown the door. These people seem to also be the ones who tend to not emotionally support the mom (the attitude I have seen has been more of a "Oh my goodness! How could you SIN like that?! Well now we are forced to take care of you because you screwed up and your soul is in eternal danger etc.") I also dislike the idea of having to keep the baby because you 'made a mistake'. When should a child EVER be seen as a punishment? Yes, adoption is an option but not all women will want to do that and there needs to be support for women who do keep the child.

I think a better option would be a better sex education program in schools. Obviously the 'abstinence only' program does NOT work. I also think that birth control needs to be made more available to those who need it.



I'm against. Who are any of us to dictate that a life should be ended before it has had a chance to begin?

It wasn't the lycans. It was you.


I feel that abortion should only be allowed for women who have been raped/sexually molested, or are extremely young/unhealthy, to the point it could endanger the woman and child's life. Here's an example: the movie The Cider House Rules, a woman is sexually molested by her FATHER, and becomes pregnant, it is traumatizing enough for the woman, and children born of incest are born with all sorts of different types of problems. What if you were that woman? Would you still have that baby? I was arguing with my friend about this the other day and she feels that the woman should have it regardlessm, and frankly that made me sad, no woman needs to go through that, that baby would be a reminder of a traumatic experience(s) and the baby would only be full of problems, and would traumatize it if it grew up and realized who the father was. HOWEVER, i do believe that if a woman that is healthy/proper age and has not been raped/sexually molested, then there is absolutely no excuse to abort. It could be given up for adoption. It would also teach the man and woman who had sex, realize that they must not be careless. So i will recap; abortion, in my opinion, is only okay when the situation is brought upon because of something traumatic, or the woman is not healthy/old enough and it could kill her.


Hmm, that's rather pernicious since according to many religous pro-life people, it still wouldn't be your decision to make and that ALL life (whereas humans are concerned) have the right to live.


First of all, I don't know why such a hotly debated subject is on a movie board. But, I will put my two cents in.

The title of your question is COMPLETELY misidentifying. No One is FOR Abortion. The choices are Pro-Choice and Pro-Life.

No one roots for abortion. That decision a woman makes is the hardest in their lives. No one throws a "Yay I had an abortion party"

That being said. I am 100% Pro-Choice. I wouldn't necessarily have an abortion myself, but I do believe it is every woman's right. For those of you that disagree, I look at you as an ego centric--if we're talking about illegalizing it.

Making it illegal would have irreprehensible and catastrophic damages. And there is proof of that. Look at statistics when it was illegal. Look what women were doing to themselves. It is best for the nation as a whole to keep abortion LEGALized. PERIOD. It is not murder. It is biology.

If your personal beliefs are that abortion is wrong, then by all means, never get an abortion--and teach the ones around you of your beliefs (you have that right) and of safe sex and of other options.



By the way, MaximusXXX - you don't give a damn about '"rights" and liberal bs like that'? I doubt that's true: if there were no such thing as rights you wouldn't be able to live.

Okay, that's it. You just lost your brain privileges.


You've said 1% for young teens who have been raped, but what about grown women who have been raped? Surely you can't just limit the abortion rights to people who have been raped. If someone gets pregnant but knows they can't properly care for a helpless baby and it may have a poor quality of like then they should have one. I'm not someone who agrees with people having one without really thinking, say if they're just two teenagers who don't take precautions and think it's just a quick fix but if someone really doesn't want a child and is unfit to care for them then they should have a chance to have an abortion.

Also, you say it's cruel to kill the child, but for early terminated pregnancies, the foetus is only tiny and isn't actually a baby yet. It's hardly murder when the foetus can be as small as 1cm.

(='.'=) Bunny wants world domination now
(")_(") Put bunny in your siggy!




I am for.

Many of you will say that abortion should be allowed in the case of non-consensual, violent conception, but that abortion in the case of non-consensual and non-violent conception should not be allowed.

However, the problem is this: The only difference between these two scenarios is in the *method* of conception. The status *of the embryo*, whose rights are primarily the ones at stake here, does not change in any way between the two cases. The method of conception should not, therefore, change your moral opinion of what should happen to the embryo. But it does, because you (understandably) have sympathy for the mother.

However, if you wish to suggest that rape is a special case so the woman's rights can be considered alongside the embryo's, then you must provide a good argument to suggest that the right of a woman not to be raped overrides the right of an embryo to life.

If you decide to do this, it will be difficult not to allow other arguments that are in a similar vein, because you begin to get on to the topic of a woman's right to her own body and personal space, which is precisely the line that the pro-choicers are taking.

(Please do not think I am belittling rape, I am simply trying to promote philosophical discussion, which is the only way to make any valuable headway in discussions as sensitive and emotional as these).

Okay, that's it. You just lost your brain privileges.


I think most of you need to stop and think before you start preaching to everyone. None of you have the right to pass any judgements unless you have personally experienced an unwanted pregnancy or a rape. What gives you the right to say something is "right" or "wrong" until you have been placed into a situation where you would need to make that kind of decicion?

