MovieChat Forums > MythBusters (2003) Discussion > Reasons why this show is awesome :D

Reasons why this show is awesome :D

1.) The hosts are fun, unique, and had a wonderful dynamic going on between them. I mean, on the one hand, you had the quiet, mature, stoic Jamie; versus the energetic, talkative, funny, daring, big-kid Adam.

2.) The Build Team was fun too. They brought some youth and vitality to the show, as well as 3 very interesting, very different people in addition to Jamie and Adam. I mean, Kari brought a feminine touch to the show, revealing that even women liked to bust myths or work in the shop. Grant was great at building robots and [ironically] dispelling a few Asian stereotypes. Tori was fun and surprisingly creative, despite being written off as "dumb" sometimes. Plus, all 3 of them were reasonably attractive for the camera.

3.) It can be so much fun watching the teams work on the different myths, particularly ones people have been asking themselves for years, or didn't even realize they were asking themselves until now.

4.) The unpredictability of some of the myths' outcomes makes this show particularly interesting, because you sometimes think you know what's gonna happen...but not always. It was particularly astonishing to see them confirm some of these myths as true! :O

5.) Who doesn't love watching a couple of guys with movie special-effects knowledge (as well as their 3 protege's) create machines needed to bust/confirm a myth? Engineers went crazy for this show when it was on.

6.) They actually listened to their fans and even revisited myths when enough people asked about it.

7.) Parts of the show could be very funny, particularly if it involved Adam putting on a costume to look silly, or when Adam would get hurt due to some of his silly antics.

8.) Rewatchability and memorable quotes. In fact, the phrase, "Myth busted" became so popular that people now use it in everyday speech sometimes.

9.) Watching the hosts and the build team getting out of their comfort zones and growing as people was particularly entertaining. I mean, early on in the show, poor, vegetarian Kari had a lot of issues working with raw meat of any kind, and near the end of her time on the show, she had gotten tougher and could handle it much better. Or Jamie showed he could handle wearing weird, embarrassing articles of clothing without freaking out like many people would. Or Tori learned just how to handle his limitations involving bicycles. It's particularly great watching Jamie and Adam learn how to build stuff better over time, and learn from their past mistakes.


That show was great! I can't believe that Grant died suddenly like he did.
