The Ending

my favorite ending to any movie ever. The song, the slow pan in, the "I know" while touching his wedding ring. Seriously, it gives me chills every time. That is all.


I, too, adore the ending. I get goosebumps when he says "I know" every time. Usually I'll watch that scene and then rewind to the part where he puts the cd in and re-watch it again. Best part of the movie and the series for me.

-"Moo with me"


I really wish I loved this ending as much as others do - but I just can't get past her terrible dancing and bad impression. Was it supposed to be sexual or endearingly awkward? It was just distracting... Would have been better if they had ended with the same line - just not had him play that record.


as I've got older I've gone off the ending loads. I can't stop thinking about little hank back in the US who's all excited about going to the airport cos his dad is coming home except then he's not

poor hank.


It's great. A beautiful ending indeed. It's perfect.


I don't know whether its my all-time favorite ending, but it surprised me and excited me at the same time.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Agree, it's also one of my favourite of all time. Something about it not being a cliche 'walking into the sunset' kind of ending makes it so memorable. Not that I dislike the third movie (I like very much too) but if the series ends with second one it will be more perfect.


Good replies to your original post.

I love this ending. It's so beautiful, the awkward dance, the fade to black is just perfect. Fades to black to leave the viewer imagining what happens next, both in short term and long term.

Although admittedly in real life, the ending would be a bit cruel and selfish of Jesse leaving everything behind especially in consideration of his son.


Painful, but brilliant. The noticeably real-time pacing of Before Sunset basically snowballed into that final moment.
