MovieChat Forums > Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) Discussion > It's Spelt: C E N T R E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

It's Spelt: C E N T R E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nuf said !!!!!!!!!!!!


i am british. it's an american film. so its center. what's the problem? there is none. get over it.

'be sure to drink your ovaltine'


why are there 400 replies to this post??


not 'spelt'

Now is it 'theater' or 'theatre?'


Well, I spell it "theatre". This thread is a bit... stupid.

Is it fair that we live this way?
Victimized for a life we didn't ask for.
*Ukrainian and Proud*


-t is passive; -ed is stative.


It's Spelt: C E N T R E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is NO such word as "spelt" -- the word is "spelled" -- and "center" is the CORRECT spelling. I don't know if you're trying to be funny, or if you are actually SERIOUS posting something like this. What is your level of education??


FAO; tomtkh from;

spelt2 (spĕlt)
A past tense and a past participle of spell1.

However, I think maybe you're trolling so I won't question the gaps in your own education...

"It's because of movies like this that illegal downloading exists and you can be bored for free..."


"and "center" is the CORRECT spelling."

Actually, "center" is the American spelling. "Centre" is the European spelling.

Is it fair that we live this way?
Victimized for a life we didn't ask for.
*Ukrainian and Proud*


Centre is the French spelling.

Three hurrahs for President Obama and for his beautiful wife Michelle!


Exactly. Why the f#ck would we want the same spelling as the French language equivalent? And the French pronounce it appropriately for that spelling too, they say "sawn-truh".

I don't like IMDb


How in hell is sàntr· proper for centre?! Dolt, do you say car "sar" or cred "sr·d" or "sràd"?


It's centre and I demand the entire Interwebs replace all their HTML immediately. Or byLordtherewillbetrouble.



This might explain it:

Jail Bush!!!


Dilbert YOU need to learn how to spell AND "center" is the correct spelling.

All these weirdos!


Centre is the American spelling. American English is not real English. It's more like *beep* If you speak that, and not English, then yes, it is the correct spelling.

I think they kept the spelling "centre" here because that was the spelling in the original English publication of the book as I have it.

And to all those American retards out there, there is a book called dictionary. It has centre and spelt both in it. So if you guys can read A-B-C-D-... upto Z, go check that book out first. Watch movies later. You guys live in the time when man used to think Sun orbits around the Earth.


English is one of the most retarded languages out there. A bunch of pretentious DORKS invented the language centuries ago, and came up with their STUPID spelling for words. So take your arrogant, retarded trash somewhere else, nobody cares about your opinion of "english"---it sucks.



English is one of the most retarded languages out there. A bunch of pretentious DORKS invented the language centuries ago, and came up with their STUPID spelling for words. So take your arrogant, retarded trash somewhere else, nobody cares about your opinion of "english"---it sucks.

We're sorry you don't like our language. Feel free to invent your own.

Bea Hamill - sorely missed by all


"We're" sorry? You speak for ALL English speaking people? LOL


I guys is not a pronoun, fag.


If you are doing a spell check then at least spell out enough. And it can be spelled both ways just like theater and theatre.


Its a crappy American movie that wasn't even popular in the United States where we spell it Center. My spell check even says Centre isn't a word even though I know from traveling in Britain that it is.

America is a nation of immigrants where we take things from our father/mother nations and change it to make it our own.

Get over it.

O and to whomever said that the United States makes the most movies in a given year......wrong.

Bollywood in India makes about 1000+ movies a year compared to our 200 movies.

We do however make the biggest budget films.

And to whomever was accusing Americans of being arrogant....duh? That feeling probably stems from our natural reaction of assuming people across the ocean are snotty....thanks for backing up that assumption.


LOL.... I just love this debate....

totally pointless...

but people just get so caught up in these things


You know what grinds my gears? When I read The Economist and its editors insist on spelling any American institution or organization, as 'Centre'.

Now, as for theater/re.

One can attend a live performance of art; thespians consider that theatre.

or I could check out this piece of cinema in a theater.


I cannot possibly read this whole thread, but after 2 pages I must say:

It is indeed SPELT "centre," not "center," because "spelt" is not a term commonly used in the USA. It is a uniquely British word, hence it goes with the "centre" spelling.

The word in question is SPELLED "center."


Its spelt centerpide, not centrepide.

I eat Lions


??? That isn't even a word... or are you just being an idiot on purpose

I don't like IMDb


Geez, fella, just counting porno movies, America makes over 200 films PER DAY.

You could also say the same thing about animation films, documentaries, and several other categories.

Now let's continue the argument over whether the British or the Americans are correct over the spelling of that undeniably French word.



all of this ridiculousness is... just silly.
