MovieChat Forums > The Jacket (2005) Discussion > Anyone else slightly creeped out by the ...

Anyone else slightly creeped out by the relationship?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I felt the chemistry, but I couldn't help but remind myself every few minutes that this is a relationship between a 40-over man and a 20-ish girl. The only reason it didn't look creepy was because they didn't change Adrien Brody's look one bit, and obviously he looks a decade younger than he was supposed to be.

The scene where Jack fixes their car at the start was ok and I knew they were going to fall in love in the future anyway, but geez, the girl was barely 7 for god's sake. No girl at that age instantly feels a 'connection' with a complete stranger and decides to hug him just after a couple of seconds of toiling with the car. Added to that was when Jack visits Jackie's house to see her mom and give her the letter, and when he leaves, she has this look on her face which clearly shows she's smitten, if not in love with him.

Sorry, I can take the grown-up affection in the future scenes, but the girl/man love, I'm just creeped out. But only a little, because all in all I thought this movie was great.

Pop. Six. Squish. Uh uh. Cicero. Lipschitz.


It creeped me out for sure. I don't even care about what people say on legality and all, it's like I see girls that kids of friends of mine, and yes, they may be over 18 now, but come on, I could never have any kind of relationship with them, I remember them being little kids for Pete's sakes, playing with dolls, laughing when I'd do peek-a-boo. OK, they weren't my daughter, but still, I don't care. For him to go visit her at her house when she's a kid, talk to her, look at her, hug her, knowing what he knows, messed up.


It's a better messed up then the future messed up.
Why not shut boy!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


No. Any normal man would have had the right feelings at the right time.

To be creeped out, you would have to assume that Jack could be having creepy thoughts when he saw the much younger version of a woman he had recently made love with as an adult. If that's the case, then I hope to never know you, because you're assuming too much, with no real good reason for doing so.

On the other hand, if you give Jack the benefit of the doubt and believe that he feels (as most normal men would) only appropriate affection for the little girl when he sees her (and by then he feels very connected to her, as she does to he), then you have no cause to be creeped out.

We all made the connection, of course. Only some of us were creeped out by it. I'm glad to say that I was not.

As someone else in this thread said, you don't want to watch anymore time travel films, because this happens often enough.

PS: it's interesting that Jean jumped to seemingly the same knee-jerk reaction about Jack early on in the film, just after puking her guts out, when she saw Jack hug her daughter.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


The butterfly effect was wayyyy creeper.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!



"Any normal man would have had the right feelings at the right time."

Well said!

"She was possessed by a very simple idea that changed everything. That our world wasn't real."


I'm constantly amazed that north americans have such a fear of human sexuality. It's a biological urge hard wired into us through some 4 billion years of evolution, in common with all forms of higher life - both plant & animal - and the reason we're all still here on this rock we call home.

Our normal, healthy reproductive urges seems much less disturbing to me than the graphic depictions of violence so much beloved of contemporary media. We are born to be sexual beings. We aren't born killers. The former is innate, and the latter a learned behavior.

We, or rather you, kill for sport, for entertainment, for fun, for retribution, for punishment, or even merely because the victim is 'different', and even occasionally because we need to, for survival. Where we, or rather you, aren't in a position to be able to fulfil those sick, unhealthy urges in reality, it is depicted for us thousands of times over in the media. Yet even that's not enough; interactive video games are a successful and perhaps in some ways less harmful way this sate this acquired bloodlust.

A nation of killers. Individually and collectively, you slaughter tens and even hundreds of thousands of the innocent and defenseless every year. Without conscience, remorse or even a moments thought as to why. What type of twisted morality can justify industrial scale mass murder and yet question the merit of healthy human sexuality?
