MovieChat Forums > The Jacket (2005) Discussion > Anyone else slightly creeped out by the ...

Anyone else slightly creeped out by the relationship?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I felt the chemistry, but I couldn't help but remind myself every few minutes that this is a relationship between a 40-over man and a 20-ish girl. The only reason it didn't look creepy was because they didn't change Adrien Brody's look one bit, and obviously he looks a decade younger than he was supposed to be.

The scene where Jack fixes their car at the start was ok and I knew they were going to fall in love in the future anyway, but geez, the girl was barely 7 for god's sake. No girl at that age instantly feels a 'connection' with a complete stranger and decides to hug him just after a couple of seconds of toiling with the car. Added to that was when Jack visits Jackie's house to see her mom and give her the letter, and when he leaves, she has this look on her face which clearly shows she's smitten, if not in love with him.

Sorry, I can take the grown-up affection in the future scenes, but the girl/man love, I'm just creeped out. But only a little, because all in all I thought this movie was great.

Pop. Six. Squish. Uh uh. Cicero. Lipschitz.


He didn't magically age up to forty. he was still 29 if you work it out. he time travelled! Why would he claim to be his own nephew if he was the age his uncle would be at that time! durrrrrr


I would be more creeped out that a 29 year old Jack (he's never 40 or older in the film, hence no makeup to make him look older) has a relationship knowingly with a girl who he met when she was 7 and he was still 29. But I guess you can't pick who you fall in love with and who knows if Jack, Jackie or any of this was real anyway. It could have been all Jack's dream.

Still it is amusing the little girl might have a flicker of what they had in that future, before he changes it to when her mom lives. It is endearing to me, not smutty. I didn't think the sex scene with Jackie and Jack when she is older was smutty, just sensual and pretty. Like they are in love, not just having sex.

A 20 year old, which she seems older, due to the alcohol I guess...I feel she's more in her early 20's and a guy who is in his late 20's isn't that far apart. As far as the girl and Jack, I found them to have affection for each other, but she probably didn't know why. I find that part innocent and interesting, again not smutty.


I actually found it really weird that he fell for someone he knew from when she was a little girl. The fact that he did not age while jumping through time and the whole time traveling was sort of instantaneous, sleeping with older Jackie(Keira Knightley)after finding out she was the same lil Jackie he met couple of days back sure made it creepy. I was expecting more of a Father Figure - even though not much of an age difference - relationship to develop in 2007 but i suppose most audiences prefer the main actor and actress to fall for each other.


no and i felt very crepped out not just slightly about the relationship. and while i was watching the movie i was trying to explain it away but that didnt work. most hollywood movies go that way-when you have two lead characters of the opposite sex they just *have* to have sex, i guess thats the only way they thought they could convince us about how much jack cared for jackie. creepy and unoriginal.


Yeah. This is why I felt creeped out by it; because from his point of view, she was seven like yesterday. I wouldn't care if not for that fact. It just felt squicky to me, and I'm not exactly easily offended (especially not by sex and naked women, ha ha).

I also think the fact that the two leads just have to end up having sex/falling in love/whatever is unoriginal. I'm really tired of seeing that in every movie. There are lots of different kinds of relationships.

Still, it was pretty good for a strange mainstream movie.


Just like in Robert Heinlein's "A Door Into Summer" no it's not creepy. You honestly have a really perverted way of thought though. If your thought pattern goes to "ew this is creepy". You're weird.

He isn't over 40, he's the same age in the future as he is in the past.



You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


don't take it as girl/man love, just take it as a childish crush of sorts

great movie, btw

now this is acting:


I felt it was slightly cringe-inducing that he was sort of a father figure in the '90s and, then, they were lovers in 2007. But, generally, I rather liked the film. So, I'll forgive the odd niggle.




I don't see any problem at all, how any of you got through the Back to the Future movies without disturbing thoughts is beyond me. I recommend not watching time travel movies because this is what happens. They see their parents as kids or their future husband/wife as a kid, how could it be icky unless they did something to the kid while as an adult.

Jackie as a little girl had an alcoholic self-destructive mother, this man changes her destiny. We as viewers look more into it because we know this, she as a child just thinks he's a nice guy who isn't a creep.



Sorry but people like you make me sick.

It was an innocent hug when she was a little girl, nothing more. The girl had a crappy mum and he'd just been a nice man and helped them out. She was probably craving affection as her mum was out of it all the time.

As for the adult relationship - so what if he's 40 and she's 20? They're both adults, end of story. Lots of people love each other and have an age gap.

Mr. Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman. Especially one who's interested in you.
