MovieChat Forums > Jeux d'enfants (2004) Discussion > The End... Women and Men VOTE HERE (Spoi...

The End... Women and Men VOTE HERE (Spoiler Alert!)

For those that have seen the ending, lets vote... Did they die in cement or live to be old people in that nursing home? No votes for him dying in the parking lot, that's dumb.

The form is like this:

My vote: They died.
I am: Female


My vote: They lived.
I am: Male


Here is my vote...

My vote: They died.
I am: Male


"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


My vote: They died
I am: Female


They died, definitely, but i really wanted them to live. Oh well, let's hope there's an afterlife and they ended up together otherwise they really screwed up.

oh and i'm male

oh another note, it's pretty amazing how this thread has lasted for nearly two years. Wow...


I think that they died, and I'm a female.

"He loves the light! See how the light shines through him?"


They died

I am male.


they live...its an open ending, but

i choose for em to live...the end with the cement couldve been a GAME on us

im a girl

if you never lie, then you dont have to remember anything- Mark Twain


Ok, I added up all the votes since the very beginning when voting started. Here are the results:


They died --- 40
They lived --- 15
Don't know -- 2


They died --- 16
They lived --- 4

The ratios are:

Females - Close to: 1 in 2.5 think they lived.

Males ------ Exactly: 1 in 4 think they lived.

Overall, both genders combined: It's running close to 3 to 1 that they died.

So, it's pretty close. There is a higher percentage of women who think they lived, than men. Maybe with more voting we could tease something out, so...


Try to make a decision, "don't know"s are utterly useless. You have to make a decision.

Keep voting in the same format:

I am female: they died
I am male: they lived

Thanks to all who voted... keep voting!

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


I am female: they died

I saw this film as quite postmodern and in true pomo style, the director offers us multiple endings. Some may argue that there are actually three possible endings, with his death in the car park being one of them. Just because one ending comes before/after others does not necessarily make it the 'truth'. Instead, we have an acknowledgement of the fact that the viewer already has a preconceived idea about how the film will end, so we are presented with all the possibilities played out to conclusion. Basically, idealists will want them to live (so they can focus on the old age scenes) whereas true romantics might want the buried in cement. Realists might like the drama of a premature death in the carpark...

So yes, I don't know what 'truly' happened but since "I don't know" is a pointless answer, I've given you my opinion above :)


My vote: they die (and for them that's an easy way out, considering their spouses etc.)
I'm female


They died.
I'm female.

I've just always thought that the end scene of them as old people was them in heaven, or some form of afterlife, which would explain the different lighting. maybe that's just me wanting a happy ending though...

She was beautiful but eeeevil...


MV: Dead
Gender: Female

My take on it is this: ONE) The DVD commentary states they died buried in the cement.

TWO) IMHO-Julian's always been able to creatively visualize since he was a young boy, like that Adam & Eve in the Garden bit, then later on after he and Sophie hadn't seen eachother for 10yrs he imagined seeing his Mum flying over her gravesite.

So I think it was his (thier shared consciousness) shared moments of absolute bliss being able to recreate a life where they were able to change events of the that it meant they were always together-never parted, that they married, had children, and even grandchildren and grew old together and could even still partake in 'heavenly' if you will games of innocent dares but in that 'alternate reality' they could be together.

They didn't have to worry about his Dad, or Julians wife & 2 children, or her husband etc.. They just died. And the carosaul (sp?) tin was thier graveyard marker.
Love, Grace & Peace, Gunner

Milosevic. Fujimori. Bush. Obama: Pioneers in electoral inovation.


My vote: They died
I am: Female


My vote: they died.
i'm: female.

i always believed they died and that was them just thinking about growing old together...sort of a what if. but would never have worked out as there's was a very destructive relationship


My vote: they died.
I'm: female.

I dont think i would like the film as much if it turn out they still alive.

I Edward Norton.
With insomnia, nothing real every thing's a copy of a copy of a copy.


They died. Or at least, I hope they did. I wanted her to get hit by the train! My God, but those two were irritating and self-involved.

I'm female.

"Tony, if you talk that rubbish, I shall be forced to punch your head" - Lord Tony's Wife, Orczy


My vote: they died
I`m male



my vote - they die
i am - female

i think they die, purely so the story is more edgy and doesn't have the happily ever after, notebook style ending.


Well my guess it's that they died, no way they could have survived to the concrete, they sofocate, I'm guessing that's what they always wanted, and how it should be if they were still alive, maybe the old couple are their spirits in heaven, showing they'll always remain ensamble.


They died
I am a female

I was confused by the ending, especially since I made peace with them killing themselves, but I still believe they cemented their love and themselves for an eternity. The rose colored flashbacks was what their lives would have been like had things gone differently. I hate when the directors/ writers leave you with the task of choosing an ending. It can be nagging, but in this case, it seems obvious. Heartbreakingly tragic, perverse and romantic. Oh, and it sort of reminded me of Titanic's ending. Remember, they joined each other in the end as well.

Sipping my Chardonnay.


Yeah, which I always had trouble with. I mean, Rose had a husband for many, many years and had several children with him. However, after she dies she goes with Jack? I mean, doesn't seem right. She obviously loved her husband, with whom she had kids, but she dies and blows him off for Jack? And everyone claps? Dumb.

I totally agree with you about the stupidity of directors making you choose an ending, in my opinion it is lazy. This movie is a bit different, in that I can understand why they presented two ending, but still... it is a bit lazy. I loved the movie though.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


My vote: They lived.
I am: Male


My vote: They lived.
I am: Female

l’essential est invisible pour les yeux
T~O #1068/AGATB~O
Bry WILL be Fee.


My vote: They lived
I am: Male
