MovieChat Forums > Zatôichi (2003) Discussion > any else think it sucked?

any else think it sucked?

not the ending, not the begging but the WHOLE picture sucked a$$
the story was boring, with a boring location and setting, not very good actors, and those RIDICULOUS rythm/dance scenes. what was that?!?!?!? I mean, the final dance scene, the people building the house and stupid people dancing in the middle of the muddy field.

this is a waste of time.
didn't deserve all those awards.
NOTHING beats Hero and House of Flying Daggers


Are you crazy? This film rules!!



i watched this and was a little dissapointed, although, i really enjoyed some parts especially the scenes with the rythmic workers. When i told my girlfriend, (who is japanese), i had just watched it. she told me to keep in mind that Kitano wanted to make a bollywood style japanese film. i immidiately liked it because its exactly what it was. so i thought it was a nice stroke of genius on his behalf.



Trust me, I know good movies, this is not one of them

Trust me, you are a gimp.

Enough people have elaborated on why this film doesn't appeal to inconprehensable idiots like the thread starter.

So for the remainder of this post, go watch the new Jet Li hollywood flick ya mook.


haha why you guys bother so much to argue with the guy who pray Hero and House of flying daggers (" ,) i might give 5 marks for Hero and 2 marks for the latter.



NO!, think you must either be dumb or atleast not a fan of martial arts. If you noticed Kill Bill copied so much of the style it was alomist a rip off of Zatoichi
, Anyhow the movie had some drama but I thought it made the killing more enjoyable

This movie ruled if you don't think so maybe you should stick to mainstream american films



I rented this movie without knowing about other Kitano's movies.

Now I understand that he's one of those excentric directors who don't wanna follow rules etc. But, if he wanted to make a spoof or a total comedy, he should have made it clear from the beginning!! It *really* looks like an action movie with a *bit* of comedy, it's not like I was lLMAO with the fact that Zatoichi is blond or whatever. It really sucks that he made such a nice story and then ruined with the seriousness of it with the dance thing.


after checking this guys post history, coupled with the fact that he actually thought hero and house of flying daggers are "the cats whiskers" of asian action cinema, i have concluded that this guy doesnt know anything and his opinion doesnt count for sh i t.



Zatoichi is better than Hero and Flying Daggers. That's just the way it is.

Luck favours the fortunate


Right on.

Empathy was yesterday. Today, you're wasting my motherf-cking time.


Why even mention Hero and House of Flying Daggers? They're totally different films. Hero and Flying Daggers were aimed at the Hollywood (western) market and the Oscar's (after the success of Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) but Zatoichi was not. Takeshi Kitano has always been true to himself!

IMDB mentioned that Takeshi Kitano was once a tap-dancer before becoming a filmmaker. I guess that explains the 'modern' feel of the dancing scene.

Takeshi Kitano is definitely one of the most charismatic actors and talented filmmakers in the world!


(to Stacey_Ng, not Cressida_du_Coudray)


this is a waste of time.
didn't deserve all those awards.
NOTHING beats Hero and House of Flying Daggers
You clearly don't understand Kitano's cinematic style. He is a MUCH different film maker to those who created the two films you mentioned (you will notice this especially if you watch his debut 'Violent Cop' or the slightly later 'Sonatine'). Also, Kitano is a japanese film maker, not chinese (Hero and House of... are chinese/hong kong films). There are great differences in Japanese and Chinese/HK cinema and Kitano is very conscious of that, if you watch interviews with him he even states it.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.


I think Zatoichi is rubbish as well.

I like to think I'm a bit of an expert on Japanese films-I've seen all of Jackie Chan's films including Rush Hour 1 and 2, which I consider to be some of the most brilliant films I've ever seen.


You're kiddin'. Right?



a bit of an expert of japanese movies.. especially the Jackie Chan's movies....
you made my day :DD


I'm a fan of the originals. I loved it. BEAT TAKESHI FOREVER!



I thought this movie was brilliant, the only thing I didn't like was the CGI, I'm not a fan of CGI in live action movies, it ruins it, and gives it a less realistic feel.
