MovieChat Forums > Zatôichi (2003) Discussion > any else think it sucked?

any else think it sucked?

not the ending, not the begging but the WHOLE picture sucked a$$
the story was boring, with a boring location and setting, not very good actors, and those RIDICULOUS rythm/dance scenes. what was that?!?!?!? I mean, the final dance scene, the people building the house and stupid people dancing in the middle of the muddy field.

this is a waste of time.
didn't deserve all those awards.
NOTHING beats Hero and House of Flying Daggers


Well, as a fan of the original Shintaro Katsu Zatoichi films, this film was pretty lame. Aside from some of the fight choreagraphy, the film was weak. I didn't like the dance number at the end, the humor was quite lame, I hated the CGI blood, and the whole "Ooh, I'm not blind" thing kinda ticked me off. Seriously folks, do yourselves a favor and check out the older Zatoichi films. The stories are cool, Katsu bought so much to the character that he's forever remembered as Zatoichi, and the fight scenes are a bit better in my opinion.

I have to disagree about the nothing beating Hero or HoFD, though. I've seen quite a few films come out of Asia that came out before either of them, were much better, and didn't rely on CGI. Check out Once Upon a Time in China, Bride with White Hair, or the Swordsman movies.





Does every movie have a "IT SUCKED" thread?
I think your opinion might be respected more if you had more than
just personal taste reflected in your post. Otherwise you're just
whining, and who the hell cares about that? You're no Andy Rooney.
Think about it.


I would have to agree with the fact that this movie wasn't that good.
The cgi blood ruined it for me from the beginning also the cross-dressing geisha. I hated the oh I'm not blind no more crap, and even how the leader of the gang was just there along serving people drinks.
Even worse was the dance scene and the tripping even when he can really see.
Oh, it is quite irritating to see this movie earn suchj high praise.
And don't go saying I just group asian movies in one group because I don't.
There is the hero's and the Crouching Tigers, and the Kung Fu Hustles then there is the Tokyo Stories and the Seven Samurai and A Story of Floating Weeds.
This movie just wasn't that good. By itslef or has a remake of what the Zatoichi series was.



I think the movie is slightly above average. It did good things, namely, giving a modern conceptual twist to a traditional style of Japanese storytelling/cinema. Beat Takeshi....well, he is definitely hit or miss with me. Here, i think he was....adequate.
But dude, toasteee......I mean, WOW....I certainly couldn't have said it better myself. I think your comment should be posted on every thread on this website. I mean, the entire point of us coming here is to discuss, right? And by definition, discussing means talking and examining with others, right? If you don't want to hear other opinions, don't waste peoples time. Cheers.



I never said that Hero was good.
I didn't like Hero.
I also did not say not to reply to what I said. I just didn't want anyone to say that I just bundled all asian movies into one group.



Yeah - the last line in the movie is "even with my eyes wide open, I can't see a thing" (or something like that). He was lying. Goes with the theme of blindness vs. vision (i.e., if people with eyes can be so easily tricked, can they really see at all?) Course, I loved this movie. Everything about it. So that's just me.


This installment of Zatoichi was terrible, mainly cause Zatoichi's character is written and acted without any charisma or wit...those things that make Zatoichi so attractive and "believable". I'd like to add that Hero is not good (decent, nothing special). Plus its just Chinese propaganda anyway. I'd rather watch Stephen Chow films than this Zatoichi or Hero.

House of Flying Daggers was better than both of these movies, and I wouldnt consider that "great" either (I thought it was "good").


Its better than most other samurai movies out there. The ending where he kills all those guys was pretty cool. Not the best movie,...but enjoyable enough, with some cool scenes. 3/5




It was a good film, but I had to see it in 2 parts because I fell asleep. All those walking tours up and down could have been shortened, as well as the length of most of the scenes. The atmosphere was already there, it was not necesary for that either. I did not see the fist one. Success.



Overall, I thought it was above the same token, I was fairly disappointed. I guess when I heard there was a Kitano take on the Zatoichi character, I got overly excited/built my hopes up too much. Make no mistake, it was pretty good though. For me.

I've fought off angels with my hands behind my back - I've set the heavens all afire.


I thought it was all rather good. Not my kind of film usually but I'm pleased I watched it.



There's not a lot of defense when you're fighting an amazing swordsman (save armor). And amazing swordsmen all know this! They go in knowing it'll be "slash, slash, you're dead."

Most swordfights you seen in films arent realistic at all!

You can *only* successfully parry or riposte an inferior opponent. and to do so is futile, since you should always slay the lesser opponent before he gets lucky and slays you.

First slash may be the successful parry, Second slash is the killing blow. Slash, slash, dead.

Sure, some cultures make swordfighting more of a spectacle or a dance of sorts (see: Spain, China). But anyone *not* trying to kill you quickly is going to lose a swordfight against someone who *is* trying to kill you quickly -- provided their skills were parallel.


I have to say that I enjoyed this film, I was impressed with the fight scenes. If you spend five minutes fighting one person, whats to stop someone else slashing you across the back. Good film 7/10

reply was all slash you're dead, slash you're dead, even with the supposed 'amazing' swordsmen... dissapointing really.

Hmmm...for all I know that is how Japanese art of combat suppose to be, and the one that makes more sense really, rather than those beautifully coreographed chinese Kung -fu.

Think about it, why would someone waste time and energy fighting with another (with style)when one can just strike him down with one fatal blow??
