MovieChat Forums > Zatôichi (2003) Discussion > any else think it sucked?

any else think it sucked?

not the ending, not the begging but the WHOLE picture sucked a$$
the story was boring, with a boring location and setting, not very good actors, and those RIDICULOUS rythm/dance scenes. what was that?!?!?!? I mean, the final dance scene, the people building the house and stupid people dancing in the middle of the muddy field.

this is a waste of time.
didn't deserve all those awards.
NOTHING beats Hero and House of Flying Daggers


I thought it was good, but certainly not great. I'm surprised to see you praising House of Flying Daggers, however; it was definitely worse than this.


How would you compare it to T. Kitano's other works? I liked quite a few of his films but I have to go out of my way to find them. Is it worth it for this one?


hero and house of flying daggers were fu*king lame compared to zatoichi. someone doesn't have good taste....


I taped it off Encore a while back (a dubbed version), and finally watched it last night. I'm also scratching my head as to why it got so many rave reviews. I guess it deserves points for not just recreating the original series. Unfortunately, that means it left out all the humor Shintaro Katsu brought to his character. And I got tired of rewinding to try to figure out what happened. Even in the first scene, when the gang manages to take Zatoichi's cane away, I couldn't figure out what he cut the guy's ankle off with. As for the final scene, I'm still shaking my head. I suppose morphing the traditional Japanese drum dance into -- what -- hip-hop -- was an interesting thought, but it was like appending a music video onto a film. I just don't get it.


When watching a Kitano film, never expect anything. Kitano wants to avoid being pigeonholed. That's why he was so reluctant to agreeing in making the movie because everyone relates Zatoichi to Shintaro Katsu.

And he didn't cut the guy's ankle off, he broke it, and I'm assuming he used his foot.

The final scene was in its way both traditional of jidai geki films, it ends happily with festivals. Kitano did so but added his own blend by rewrapping it in modernity. Even the tap dancing in the festival isn't even something new. Tap dancing has been a part of Japanese dance culture for a long, long time now.


Shintaro Katsu WAS Zatoichi. He did a fantastic job of playing a blind swordsman. Kitano did a decent enough job, but I'm not sure it was good enough to justify reviving the franchise. There were already plenty of Zatoichis.


i thought it was a great film! Beat Takeshi rules, but if you don't like his films you won't like his take on this classic story!




Who is an idiot? Me?


NO........the first guy. Sorry!!
Must have clicked on the wrong one...

Zatoichi is fantastic!

There is no help but self help...
Running water never flows stale...


OK. Zatoichi is fantastic, your right.


This movie isn't even in the same genre as House of Flying Daggers or Hero. Why compare apples to oranges. I thought Zatoichi was freaking hilarious.


OK so did anyone read the topic title?? I don't care if you liked it and I don't appreciate people calling me an idiot just because I didn't like a goddamn movie, so anyone who feels I'm wrong just leave because I'm not interested in your stupid thoughts such as 'it ruled, you sucked'

suck my balls...if I had any.


Unfortunately, you being interested in others' opiniions is not required for others to post their opinions here. I would suggest you stop being defensive, grow a spine, and learn to defend your convictions. Maybe grow a vocabulary as well.


for me, this was one of his best films. i'm going to recommend it to others for sure. it's not even the same kind of movie as hero or daggers, just because it has asian actors in it.


it was ok but the old blind swordsmans films are way better they used to always give them on saturdays on ifc


sorry for my vocabulary not being 100%, after all english is my second language.



Its a masterpiece.


This is in no way a masterpiece, IMHO. I have seen it twice, dubbed and than subtitled, to see if it was the translation that messed it up for me the first time. I was completely unbiased and did not have any want for it to be like his earlier films. I have several issues with the editing and acting. The ending really did the film in for me.


C'mon now. If you are going to express how a movie sucked, you have got to expect people to have differing opinions and not be defensive--- esp on a message board! Rather than attacking other people, this board should be focused on the movie... discussion about why you did/didn't like the movie. I thought the movie was brilliant. The only other movie of Kitano's I've seen is Kikujiro and I've realized that I absolutely love his sense of humor. I really enjoyed the Stomp-like scenes. The music throughout the movie was perfect. In regards to someone's comment about the confusing beginning... well I thought it made for a captivating beginning. Some unknown history that makes you curious about these murderers, and why they kill. I think the very unrealistic killing scenes (it looks like digitized blood?) was a little distracting at first, and the ending for me was actually a little weak. Even still, it made for one of the best movies I've seen in a long while.


I don't want to be disrespectful (Though I think the thread's title is) with people that enjoyed this movie, but I personally couldn´t withstand this movie when I saw it, so I had to stop it almost near the ending, disappointed.
Sorry, but I wouldn't even compare this film with the superb "Hero" or "House of flying daggers", as Cressida_du_Coudray suggests on the original post, I think both of those movies are completely different to this one in many ways.


You seem like the type of guy who lumps all Asian films into one category. This isn't anything like either one of those films you mentioned.
