Love this movie

This movie is a brilliant way to reboot a classic, with a very well-written story, well acted cast and great effects that with stand 10 years later. Jack Black did an amazing job as Carl showing he CAN play a serious role. Screw the haters this is one of my favorite movies.

Also, the video game is effing awesome lol


Agree with everything . A little too long and I didn't like that Kong was just a big gorilla and had no true feel of being his own unique species . I did though love this film 100 percent with a few gripes . Though I'm a softy for giant monsters lol . The video game was mind blowing at the time !!!


Yes! The video game scared the he'll outta me when u was a kid.


Oh man the video game scared the crap out of me when I played it back then. Having a bloody t-rex running after me... ahaha oh memories.

But anyway yeah. I love it too. I have a soft spot for it. I might not be a huge fan of Peter Jackson anymore like I used to, but I still love this movie. It's got so much heart and beauty. Flawed yeah, but I can see past it.


Are there haters? I think this is one of the best remakes ever.


I wouldn’t say it’s hated, but it doesn’t have anywhere near as much love as it used to.
It was acclaimed when it was released, but that's because the vast majority of film critics and moviegoers were on the Jackson bandwagon back in 2005 - he could do no wrong after LOTR.

However, over time the films' many flaws (too many characters, questionable casting, superfluous scenes, average script, uneven pacing, overlong running time etc.) have become more apparent and therefore reception is less positive.
