MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > This movie was perfect except........(co...

This movie was perfect except........(cont ains a spoiler)

This movie was absolutely perfect! I had glamour, stong female and minority characters, a good cast (except J-ho), and great direction (as in camera work and choreography). The only thing that I did not like about this movie was how Chic (Bobby Cannavle's character) was really gay. I found it ironic that he discouraged male-on-male dancing in the beginning and that he ended up being what he was speaking against, but I just thought that he should have ended with a nice girl instead of being gay. Does anyone share my opinion? Or disagree? I also did not like the inappropiate use of language in the end. Anyone else?


Yeah I have to agree with you. In the original version I almost cry seeing their daughter asking them to dance. It was so realistic. And when Sugiyama said "Im sorry for letting you feel very lonely"(i dont know if this were the exact words) it made me cry. Its not the usual hysteria you found in the American version where they argue in the parking area or the line "You've been dancing with me for the past 19 years" goddamit. Its a good line but so cheesy. Anyway, at least the good thing about the american version is that they "almost" stick to the original. And also I have to commend the casts...


