MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > This movie was perfect except........(co...

This movie was perfect except........(cont ains a spoiler)

This movie was absolutely perfect! I had glamour, stong female and minority characters, a good cast (except J-ho), and great direction (as in camera work and choreography). The only thing that I did not like about this movie was how Chic (Bobby Cannavle's character) was really gay. I found it ironic that he discouraged male-on-male dancing in the beginning and that he ended up being what he was speaking against, but I just thought that he should have ended with a nice girl instead of being gay. Does anyone share my opinion? Or disagree? I also did not like the inappropiate use of language in the end. Anyone else?


Chic was supposed to be the complete opposite of Link Peterson. Link is actually straight, but "acts" gay, because of his interests. Chic looks and acts straight, but is actually gay.


I thought the writer and/or the director took some cheap shots in that film, just for a laugh, and having Chic turn out to be gay was one of was so unneccesary. For this tiny laugh, the writer/director totally altered the truth in the character. I wonder if the actor was aware that the powers-that-be were going to do that to his character? or whether it was just a silly idea someone threw out while filming the closing scenes. I am a ballroom instructor, and have worked as an actor and director and I thought the movie didnt come close to the HEART in the Japanese original. And someone really should have reined in JLO's choices (I'm sure they were her choices) of very expensive clothes and jewelry, which definitely wouldnt be in the budget of ballroom dance instructor, and therefore played against her character!!!!


the scene where he is revealed to be gay were shot early in the filming... And were scripted well in advance. Cannavale is a trouper to put himself out there like that considering his image...


um, his image? he plays Will's police officer boyfriend on Will & Grace does he not?


I agree with everything you said muchluv. wow.


Enjoyed the original and the remake. Maybe ballroom dancing is acceptable in most places in America, but I could certainly see the same difficulties Gere's character had. I'm a liberal living in the heart of Oklahoma,(and female) and spent my early years training in dance, but living in the heart of Oklahoma I know that a large majority of men would hide the fact that they took dancing lessons.


I suppose dancing is more or less accepted in the U.S., but I pictured my father, a straitlaced accountant who wears stuffy suits on purpose, suddenly finding himself attracted to a beautiful woman in a window, and to the act of dancing as well. Even if he got over the initial attraction to the woman, which I feel Gere's character did, and the passion for dancing remained, he'd still be in trouble.

What would happen if people found out?

My mother, a lot like the Sarandon character (minus kids at home), would think my dad is nuts and would probably only see the attraction to the woman, but not get the dancing aspect. And the woman isn't the real deal -- JLo's sort of the lure, but not the real reward.

What would he tell his colleagues? His family? He lives in the South, and men just don't do certain things there.

And once you go do _anything_ a couple times and don't tell someone, then there's that whole "why were you hiding it from me?" awkwardness, much less hours and hours of dance training. You're sort of doomed to conflict once you don't come clean a time or two.

For me, that aspect totally gelled.

I think that despite the fact that some people write this flick off as fluff, for me it outlined a pretty huge problem that some people have with being themselves, finding their true happiness, what have you.

I didn't expect to, but I loved this movie, cheesy bits and all. I even shockingly found myself liking JLo, even after hearing a friend suggest that she looked like she had a stomachache throughout the movie. I was surprised she would take a part in which she wasn't the charming center of attention (not the best explanation, but Gere is the clear star here), which pleasantly surprised me.

And I'd forgotten how wonderful Gere can be -- his character is so gentle, and you wish he'd found dance a decade prior to fill that hole in his life.

-- 555-1342. That's 5-5-5-1-3-4-2. Five-five-five-one-three-four-two. --


Hey I am glad you said that about JLo having a stomachache. Y'know, I felt the same way, even though I think she is a decent actress and good dancer, she was playing the whole role so moody and somber, that she did appear to have a stomachache! :) I think she just played it too serious.
But overall I did like the movie, even though I see the point of various people's criticisms, like the ending being a bit too sappy, the script deviating from the original Japanese movie, etc. Hey, it's a movie and yes they will Americanize it, etc. So what. It was colorful and romantic and I like Gere, Sarandon and Lopez all. And Stanley Tucci is always funny and Lisa Ann Walter is good too.



by likeing this movie and thinking it's "perfect" you demostrate your ignorance and lack of culture. And your opinion about the gay character only proves that..

by the way... the only thing i liked about the movie was that.
all the rest is a piece of commercial *beep*




Yeah, I agree. Link could have said something to the effect of "You guys suck" and the thing about Chic was kind of pointless. What was the point of making him gay?


I was wondering if they will be making a 2nd shall we dance because ballroom dancing thanks in part to this moving is quickly becoming a phenonmenon and im not suprised since it reminds us of something more innocent and simple in our lives, if they do it should be about him entering another tatinger contest with his wife this time.


Him being gay didn't disappoint me. I didn't like the language at the office. I was enjoying the film with my family then at the end I hear the "f" word. I didn't appreciate it.


What should he have said then? I thought his reaction was realistic. Is it really that horrible to use the f word in the US?


He could have not said the "f" word is all I am saying. I prefer not to hear it. It is offensive to me. Yes it is horrible. Why do people feel the need to use such language to explain their point of view? I can understand someone's anger by their tone, facial expressions and other body language. Using cuss words never got any movement from me.


I think J-Lo is an okay actress. This was not one of her best, though. She didn't look sad or lost to me -- just cold. Much better when she came alive. Her dancing is flawless.

I think Richard Gere did well too. He's a very private guy and played the quiet, shy family man well. It was a surprise that he wanted to dance. And that it made him happy. Don't you remember all those school dances where the girls end up dancing with each other? It's not a cool thing for a guy to dress up and dance. At least it wasn't in his generation. It would have been worse if he was wearing Link's spangles.

Sarandon is a good actress but she always plays somewhat of a cold biatch. I didn't get the scene where they argue in the parking lot. Good grief, if I thought my husband was having an affair and found out he was only dancing, I'd be ecstatic and I'd leave him with his privacy. That's what she SAID she was going to do, but when it came right down to it, she had to interfere. Why couldn't she leave the man with something all for himself?

I do think Link should have done more moves. I don't like the "f" word either. But it definitely hit the mark, better than any defensive, wordy speech would have. I think they could even have left out the "And football sucks" line and it still would have fit.

Vern is a darling. And so sweet; he deserves a Lisa/Maya.

I also think it was perfect to have Chic as homosexual. He had gained enough confidence to be true to himself. The end was a nice little "surprise". Sort of. And Bobbi and Link looked like they ended up together. Cool. The movie is supposed to make you feel good. I didn't see the original, so this was just fine for me. I bought the DVD and I'm not sorry one bit. Hub and I are even thinking of taking dance lessons.

For those who were offended, there's probably a cleaned up version on


The weakest element was by far Lisa Ann Walter....always the most annoying character in any movie she's been in...


Hmm..I think you are missing the part where mitzi says chic has an unusal sentuality, uncommon in a man.
Also where chic says that him and his partner's brother even play basketball together..

Read between the lines.

*Dance with me*


almost oerfect but Link should've taken those jerks at the office with some more of those 'zingers' wooooohoooot


I think she was meant to be annoying! I actually think she did Eriko Watanabe (as "Toyoko") justice in the counterpart role. Since Americans tend to express themselves more freely in general (compared to the more reserved Japanese), any actress in this role would have to go over the top to come off as obnoxious as the original.
Actually, I found Walter's facial expression even touching in the part where she knew the dance was over. She won me over!

As for Chic being gay, I didn't find it as surprising as Link and Bobbi coming together. And as for the cussing -- isn't that what they do in American movies??

As for the trans-cultural divide, my biggest worry when I heard about the remake was how they were going to get an American businessman out of his car to be looking out of a window from a train???

I have nothing against J-Lo, but I think she needs diction lessons...

BTW, I really did like the movie and bought the DVD!


I think the film is just fine the way it is. It didn't bother me that Chic was gay. And it's not like they made it so he and another guy kiss or anything. It was done respectfully. The swearing didn't bother me either. I don't think that scene would have had as big of an impact if Link hadn't used the F word. And he was so right to tell those small-minded co-workers that. I don't know why anyone would think that ultimely Link is gay because he tells John he's not plus the fact that him and Bobbi get together in the end is shown to us. The whole movie is absolutely fine for me-good actors, good dancing, good story.

"Tell our story Christian"


I knew he was gay from the very beginning. He had such a fixation with everyone else being gay and working so hard to get everyone to think he was a stud, that it was obvious. It's like if your boyfriend accuses you everyday of cheating. Chances are, HE is.
