MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > This movie was perfect except........(co...

This movie was perfect except........(cont ains a spoiler)

This movie was absolutely perfect! I had glamour, stong female and minority characters, a good cast (except J-ho), and great direction (as in camera work and choreography). The only thing that I did not like about this movie was how Chic (Bobby Cannavle's character) was really gay. I found it ironic that he discouraged male-on-male dancing in the beginning and that he ended up being what he was speaking against, but I just thought that he should have ended with a nice girl instead of being gay. Does anyone share my opinion? Or disagree? I also did not like the inappropiate use of language in the end. Anyone else?


By inappropriate language, are you referring to the scene in the office, in response to that group of jerk co-workers? Because if so, I find it infinitely appropriate. I only wish he'd pulled out some more moves to impress them, then shut them up with his "zinger".

And since when must a movie's "perfection" be judged on its fulfillment of affirmative action quotas? By your reckoning, then, there was no choice but to have Chic gay, otherwise that segment of society wouldn't have been represented. Sheesh.


I knew Chic was gay from the begining,most of the time(not all the time)but most of the time,when guys are that adamant about no man to man dancing and always talking about girls and how they hate gay guys and so on,they wind up being gay.I think it was an ok touch to the movie,everyones entitled to be who they want to be and who they want to be with and Chics character liked men.I totally think Link should've told those idiot co-workers of his off,and he did it so well! Did you think them giving him a hard time about him dancing appropriate?



That really happens though. It was realistic. I knew 3 huge homophobes and 2 of them ended up being gay.


Let me guess--they're all Republicans?


Why did that "segment of society" have to be represented? sheesh.


But I think the message of the film is that you think [the characters think]dancing is a way to escape your world, but it is not that way. It only enhances your life.

John Kerry: I defended this country as a young man, I will defend it as the President.


I personally thought j-lo was pointless..her character didnt really play much of a part in what the movie was about ..she kind of annoyed me lol


I think JLo annoyed because she's JLo. I thought she did a magnificent job and her dancing was beautiful. The funniest part of the movie was when she was dancing with Bobbi and then Bobbi dropped to the floor. My friend and I laughed so hard!

I think the gay thing was entirely appropriate (especially considering it was Bobby Cannavale), but it was rushed. I'm sure they cut some scenes concerning it because it was just all of a sudden. Everyone else got their intro, transformation, and then resolution. For Chic it was just Intro/Resolution, although my friend and I figured as much when everyone through their hands in the air and he started the gay techno wave.

ps. Word to whoever spoke to the wonderfully realistic diversity in the film. Finally a film that has at least a cross section of the real world in it.

Dagnabbit, dagnabbit straight to heck!


personally, i hate these american remakes... especially this one. how in the world did they show the "main thing" that discourages gere (sugiyama in the Japanese original) to dance? it was not a very popular thing to do in Japan, y'know, dance around in tux, just like that? this is the prinicipal reason why the main character hid his dancing lessons from his wife and from everybody else, and not really because he was damn attracted to his instructor. the original film was rooted in Japanese history and society and this remake really boasts of nothin' at all.


YES! Finally! *sigh* My frustrations were building up, I was about to explode... I was waiting for someone to mention the original Japanese version. Yes the ORIGINAL Japanese version. America does not come up with all the movie ideas and usually when it copies them, they turn to crap. I'm not saying that America is incapable of making good movies, only that America should not try to remake foreign movies. Foreign movies are based in the culture and traditions of the country in which they are made (as trigonalbipyramidal points out). This CANNOT be translated into American mainstream. You have to know about the culture to get it. If the US is going to remake films (or TV shows for that matter), I just wish that they would at least give proper credit to the originals... really.


He didn't hide his dance lessons from his wife because he was attracted to the instructor. He hid them because he was embarassed to say he wasn't happy with his life the way it was and he needed something else. It clearly explains that in the movie and only small minds automatically refer it to sex or attraction.



I think the gay thing was entirely appropriate (especially considering it was Bobby Cannavale), but it was rushed. I'm sure they cut some scenes concerning it because it was just all of a sudden. Everyone else got their intro, transformation, and then resolution.

It was subtle, but I thought the transformation was there: at the competition Bobby pointed out his dancing partner's brother, doing some last minute stitching on her dress. (Bobby plays basketball with him.) John sees the look the brother gives Bobby and, able to see the obvious as well as the next guy, realizes that Bobby is still clueless. Then in the denouement we see Bobby and the brother at the dance club together.

You know what inspiration is? The momentary cessation of stupidity.
- SGM Jonas Blane



I think there was a physical attraction between Lopez and Gere, but it was never to be acted upon. Men do weird things and I think he just wanted something to himself that he wouldn't have to explain to his wife.

As for the remake issue. I think that is a non point because the Japanese themes wouldn't hold up in today's culture. Besides, what if this were just an independent movie, and not a remake? Would you still dislike it? And if so, why?

Dagnabbit, dagnabbit straight to heck!


It wasn't a perfect movie but it was a feel good movie that will resonate with many people. it has already taken over during the weekday box office. This will be a smash hit. J-lo was perfectly cast as a person, not unlike her real life, perceived to be cold, when no one but the Gere character, ventures to discover what's underneath. He said she looked the way he felt inside.

Gere was great. That man keeps looking good and is totally hot! Sarandon never gives a bad performance and was good in her part as well. Stanley Tucci and Bobby Canavale were a hoot.


what do you mean that bobby dropped to the floor when he was dancing with jennifer lopez in the movie?


Not Bobby (Cannavale), Bobbi, the blond chick in the movie. When her and JeLLo were dancing and JeLLo pushed her down, my friend and I were like "is she going to get back up?" It was hilarious!

Dagnabbit, dagnabbit straight to heck!



I thought the language was definetly appropriate. Screw the world if they dont like you for you!

I really didnt see the point about Chic turning out gay. To me it just seemed like a last minute change in the script or something just to make the audience WOW a little. It was clear Link was gay, and that was cool.

Maybe Vern being with a skinny girl is unlikely, but I think it more represents how some people sometimes end up with what looks like their total opposites. Happens ALL the time. I know I feel my girl could do better than me.

I was actually dragged (kicking and screaming) to watch this film and I ended up liking it. I am really not a JLO fan but she was decent.

Overall, coming from a person that prefers movies with guns, explosions, blood and guts this movie was pretty cool.

Dont tell anyone I said so.

"It's a building with lots of patients inside, but that's not important right now."


"It was clear Link was gay, and that was cool"

didnt Link end up with Bobbi at the end? He wasnt gay


You're right, he ended up with Bobbi in the end. The whole point of the office scene is that he was annoyed because he wasn't gay. And he didn't use the f-word. I heard him say "Football Sucks".


I also agreed it was a great movie. very charming and i didn't realize how funny it was going to be. I was really surprised by it and contrary to what many have said, i think jlo and richard gere had good chemistry on screen. i am also a huge richard gere fan so this was a real treat for me.

as for the language, i didn't mind. it was an honest reaction (at least in the movie). anybody would have said that if he/she was being laughed at for doing somehting he/she loved.



Chic is not gay. In the end he just accepted to dance with guy while in the beginning of the movie he hated that idea. It was to show how dancing changes someone's life.



Chic was gay. He went to a gaybar. there were all men in the bar.
