MovieChat Forums > Ladder 49 (2004) Discussion > I hate this movie---and firefighters

I hate this movie---and firefighters

This is maybe the worst piece of crap I've seen since---well, actually I can't think of anything that sucked as bad as this movie.

1: It sickeningly capitalizes on the nations unquestioning love of firefighters
after 9-11.

-Have you guys ever met a firefighter? Most (not all) of them are
homophobic, arrogant, hero-complex, frat boys that save people just to
feed their giant egos. They're no better than cops.

2: The dialogue is sappy crap. Who wrote this junk?

-"Tell Linda I love her... That I've loved her from the second I saw her."

-"But I make you this one promise, tomorrow when that bell rings, we will
be back on the truck, because you were the bravest of the brave."

A NY Times best seller is better written than this crap.

3: The situations are retarded. Where are the paramedics? Why are they on the
roof of a burning building? How can a dying man chisel through a 2-layer
brick wall with a stick he found in the rubble? It's ridiculuous.

4: The final song is sooooooooo bad I laughed out loud in the theater during
the funeral scene. It was so cheesy and predictable that I was able to sing
it out loud wihtout having ever heard it before.

-"Saw a shooting star like a diamond in the sky,
Must be someone's soul passing by"
-"Shine your light down on me
Lift me up so i can see
Shine your light when you're gone
Give me the strength
To carry on, carry on"

Eeeech, the worst. This movie is HORRIBLE!!


and when was the last time you ran into a *beep* burning house filled with smoke 2 save a life?

show your day they may be dragging ur burt ass outta a house.


i dont think any of the firefighters are askin for his respect i dont care honestly we still will help him out if he needs help i think hes an jack off for wanted attention this way but i dont care if hes trapped we will get him out plain and simple people should just stop posting


This is true.

Save the drama for your mama.


Um wow. All i can say is if I was a firefighter i would NOT want to save you, but I probably would. My dad is a firefighter/EMT and all I can say is the junk they go through, does not deserve what you said about them. I mean, who cares if they are arrogant and self centered and by the way that is like only 5% if them, I know, my dad talks about the young probies all the time, but they even eventually grow up, at least they have the GUTS to go into a burning building and risk their life for soemone they don't know who talks TRASH about them, unlike YOU. So don't you dare go judging them without walking in their boots. i hope someday you are rescued by one of these "homophobic, arrogant, hero-complex, frat boys that save people just to feed their giant egos" oh and one last thing... firefighters are brothers with not just themselves but with cops too. MANY of my dad's BEST FRIENDS are cops. THey ALL have respect for eachother. And NOT ONE firefighter that I have ever met ( i have met a whole lot) thinks he or she is better than cops or paramedics... they all work together to do one thing.. SAVE LIVES.


Unfortunately, no matter how much of a numnuts or a jackass someone is...We still have to rescue them. They can be a child molester or a suspected terrorist, and we'll still rescue them. It's just our way. Firefighters must be nonjudgemental. People sometimes call me a racist because of my jokes, but I'm not, because I have to be nonjudgemental to serve the public.

We also wouldn't be firefighters if we had hero complexes or were homophobic. If someone's got a hero complex, we label that firefighter a cowboy and he's put on light duty before he kills himself. Yeah, back in the day, they were some homophobic firefighters, but no matter what, when you need us, we are there and ready to serve you...And we may make upteen thousand jokes about the police, but we can all work together.

No Guts, No Glory.



Are you talking to me?

No Guts, No Glory.



It's alright. Not sure if I would call him a genius. :)



My dad, grandpa, and uncle are all firefighters and u have no idea when u have family in that profession how many times I have the nightmare of my dad leaving and never coming back. It's the worst feeling in the world! I wake up crying and all I want to do is go and hug my dad and I do! So back off and stop saying terrible things about ppl that u don't even know! Don't generalize about many firefighters that u don't know! They risk their lives everyday to save conceited JERKS just like u!



It's surprising how many people don't seem to understand what it is that firefighters actually do.

When we go to work, it's not about who is better or stronger or smarter, everything we do is a team effort.

When we look at a burning building we consider the materials, construction, size, layout, proximity to other structures, and many other things. We don't care about how much it's worth or what part of town it's in.

When we attempt to rescue a person from whatever situation it makes no difference if they're young, old, male, female, skinny, fat, black, white, gay, straight, etc. A human life is a human life and they all deserve the same assistance.

Firefighters are not always praised for doing their job, and we're perfectly fine with that. We do it because it needs to be done, plain and simple.

When the **** hits the fan, a good firefighter is never going to be concerned with his/her own ego. The idea is to focus on the task at hand, and do whatever we can as quickly and safely as possible. Showboating and pushing your luck will likely injure or kill not just you, but the rest of the group as well. As the old saying goes, there is a fine line between courage and stupidity.




To the OP, I don't care if you read this or not, but if someone puts their life on the line for a worthwhile cause or someone else, than in my mind, they're a hero. You served in Desert Storm, and you may have done something worthwhile, but until you've met every damn firefighter out there, don't criticize them. Grow up.


god i remember this theard when i first joined the fire dept last year how is it still alive!!!

no one can make me run into a burning building im a VOLUNTEER



I still ove non firefighter's telling actual firefighter's, how unrealistic a firefighting film is. Keep going on guys, really, it's good. This ranks up there with the politicians who think having less fires, means you can close the fire department down, because you don't need all the manpower now.


1. there has aboustly nothing to do with 911 this is a movie on being a real damm firefighter

Have a met firefighers? acutally yes there just normal people

2. Its a movie not everyone going to like everything you can only make as good as possible. Though people acutally talk like it this is drama, action flim you didnt like you shouldnt of pick it up

3. I know to give fing air to people who been haling smoke in? Beacuse fire bruns the roof. You can he was strong enough to do it.

4. perdictal song on noo.... I wish people acutally threw popcron at you

Nah your just a horrbile person good day...

@ el_repetto on


Who cares what your reasons for saving somebody are?! Fact is, you're saving somebody! As if you'd be engaging the emergency services in a dialogue about the philanthropic nature of their workers when you were trapped in a blaze!

I never did one thing right in my life, you know that? Not one. That takes skill.


Holy crap this thread was funny. I can't believe this never ended up on Fandom_Wank. I haven't seen this much circle-jerking AND troll-feeding since JKR revealed that Dumbledore was gay.

I'll add my own bit to it for lulz. I don't think anyone on here is actually a firefighter/EMT. That would require a level of maturity that has not been exibited at all. Plus, I would not want anyone doing civil service who can't even spell the word "conceited" properly.

This is what happens when teenagers are allowed to access the internet after their bedtimes.



I'm actually a Firefighter/EMT

And a Haz-Mat Technician, and a Fire Prevention Officer.



ok ummm i really don't understand people that despise service workers. police officers, firefighters, emts...they all give a much needed service. i mean i personal know that i couldn't do what they do at all. maybe just a little like give someone cpr or ummm hopefully get out of a burning building safely. but that's about it since that's not what i do. yes they are incredibly male-dominated, macho fields. but it does not mean that every single solitary person is a homophobic jerk who gets off on abusing power. and yes the guy said they still have to try and save the people who hate them is absolutely right


this is so f'ing idiotic i didn't even want to respond but i can't help myself. i'm not defending the movie cuz it is crap but firefighters? all their job is about is helping people!! are they ballsy brassy people? hell yeah, you have to be to do what they do! senor el repetto you hafta be out of your mind!! clearly you have issues. did you fall in love with one and he didn't want you? firefighters are the best people we have! they were the best people we had long before 911 and they continue to be!


I've been with my boyfriend (a firefighter) for nearly 3 years and feel so angry about the things being said that I had to reply.

I watched this film for the first time last night and I have to say it was a very real portrayal of the bond between firefighters and their watch.

I know you said not all firemen are...
homophobic, arrogant, hero-complex, frat boys that save people just to
feed their giant egos. They're no better than cops.

But most are? I have never met a firemen that lives up to this description!

My boyfriend could is certainly not arrogant and his best friend is gay, who also happens to be a fireman. So to suggest that most are homophobic is ridiculous.

And as for the cheesy dialogue- if my boyfriend was ever in a situation like that, i like to think that the people closest to him (me and his family) would be the first thing on his mind. I don't see why you find this unrealistic?

You clearly have issues with yourself to find the need to start this stupid post. You are spitting in the face of every firefighter who has ever saved a building or a life.


Speaking as a firefighter, I don't know any fellow firefighters that fit the description of "homophobic, arrogant, hero-complex, frat boys that save people just to feed their giant egos." We do what we do because it has to be done and who else is going to do it? I am actually a volunteer firefighter which means, for those like the moron that started this, I dont get any kind of compensation for the work I do. I am a lieutenant which means I am responsible for the guys that go into the building when I have to be outside. This is a lot of responsibility for no pay. So if we come off as arrogent to you people its because we have a brotherhood, a comrodery between us that makes us sometimes look bad. Walk a mile in our shoes and then maybe you can talk *beep* until then shut up and just say thanks.

Birthday Suit up!!


unclebo75- more power to ya for willing running into a burning building to save people! i'm too much of a wimp to do (and yes i openly admit to it)


Well if u hate firefighters who are u gonna call when you house goes up in flames or u stuck in a burning building, How can you judge a job. on the stereo types that go long with it, Its like me saying all police like donuts... I think you should let go of your hate firefighters because maybe one day you might need one.

And to be honest, they do a very dangerous job and well done to that person who chooses the career and good luck to them


I dont know about most of the people who have responded to this post because I could only read the first page before I got so pissed I had to respond. I am a woman and a volunteer fireFIGHTER not a fireman. I sure as hell dont get any recognition and neither do most of my fellow brothers and sisters both paid and volunteer. We are firefighters because we LOVE what we do. We didnt join because someone promised us something like great pay or lots of medals and recognition. We joined because we felt called to it. I dont expect people to walk up to me and say thank you when they see me with a job shirt on and a radio. I love my country and I thank you, the op el repetto, for serving in Desert Storm. I am religious but I sure as hell am not political so I dont really care about all the right wing political bs you spouted out earlier and claimed that most firefighters are. I know that when I run into a burning building myself and my partner are sure as hell praying to whoever we believe in the we be able to get out with the victim alive. I dont know anyone who when put into a possibly deadly situation wouldnt rely on their faith in whatever they believe in to get them through. That being said, like I stated before I absolutely LOVE my country but the military just wasnt for me so I became a firefighter. I do however say thank you to every veteran i see everywhere I matter how old or young they are or how they act or how they treat me.. You know why? Because they do a job that puts them in harms way because they want to and for them I will be forever greatful. So its ok that you think were retarted and idiotic and arrogent and frat boys...when I see you on the street and youre wearing something military related, I will still walk up to you, tap you on the shoulder, ask you if youre a veteran, and when you say yes,I will still thank you for being a soldier.


Some firefighters can act like frat boys and be really annoying but most are pretty cool.
