MovieChat Forums > Latter Days (2004) Discussion > movies about gorgeous gays. again.

movies about gorgeous gays. again.

i am getting quite tired with movies with gay guys who are just taken off the cover of Men's health and Vogue. they do not represent me or majority of gays. and i find it really difficult to relate to their "problems" or even believe in the story. there are so many movies about "how tough it is to be a hot gay guy who looks like a model". try be average and gay. that's much tougher.

so the first half of this movie i had to force myself to keep watching. usual soft porn. at the end though the movie kind of redeemed itself.

in general: does anyone know any gay movie where the main character(s) is average?



Try Big Eden.

"Nothing personal. Your name just happened to come up."


The Broken Hearts Club deals kind of with being an average gay in LA...


you call those guys average?

among all the friends i thought only zach braff and that other guy in glasses can pass as average


there was that one dude whose entire plot-line was about being average...


Have you checked out Big Eden? It's a very good movie, without the super models. Although.... Latter Days is still one of my favorite movies.



I assume Diesel-Dude that you're talking about appearance. You've already got the ugly attitude down pat. If you are as pretty as gay men "should be", then just sit there and look pretty--don't speak/type or you'll destroy the fantasy for all of us.


Try watching Sugar.
Sure the one guy is hot but it is a little bit more realistic.

See my Sin City music video!


Wow, I WISH I had the time to work out at the gym for hours at the time to look like these guys do... but I don't. I also like food with real... food... in it. Of course it's just as true on the other side of the coin - there are some extremely attractive women where I work. When my friends comment to me how 'hot' they are (and they know I'm Gay) I usually respond by saying "I wonder when they last had a meal they actually chewed, instead of sucking through a straw." :)


That's daft. The bigger a guy gets muscle wise the more food he requires to maintain the muscle mass, if they aren't eating enough they will lose mass or never put it on in the first place. Also doing a high intensity muscle building program for more than an 45mins to an hour at a time is not beneficial to muscle gain since if it takes you longer than that to completely fatigue a muscle group you're doing something wrong and likely causing yourself some serious permanent injuries for later in life.

It's good to see the ignorance though, lots of judgement and self excuses but acknowledge knowledge being abscent.


Call me crazy but when I watch something I relate to it through the acting, characters and story, and not whether I think the actors are the same level of attractiveness as me...
Oh, and saying America Ferrera shouldn't be playing Betty because she isn't ugly enough has completely missed the point of the show. There is no such thing as ugly or hot, only the ideals that the media works into our head from the moment we are born. The joke isn't on her for being "ugly", it's on society for not realising that she isn't.


You make it sound like only gay movies contain gorgeous people. Most of the hollywood elites are amazingly attractive.

I really don't know how to put this into words but first off I am gay, and when I started seeing media about gay men and seeing that all of them were shown as being super gorgeous I was really angry. The more and more I watch gay media the less it bothers me.Oh and also the better I feel about myself the less it bothers me.

Girls probably would feel the same if it was a rarity to see a heterosexual woman in the media and then she watched tomb raider or the other Boleyn girl.
