Joe's bigoted comment.

I'm assuming Joe is Hispanic. I didn't like his ignorant, racist comment about Olivia's ex. Just because the ex husband was uncomfortable with two strange men crashing at his ex-wife's house, Joe refers to him as an "uptight white guy." What does him being white have to do with anything?
If the ex was Hispanic, would he have said uptight, Hispanic guy? Nope. I hate that minorities think it's okay to tag on "white" to what they don't like and it's fine, yet if a white said black, Asian, Hispanic etc about someone they didn't like, it'd be seen as racist. Those bigoted double standards are ridiculous...but I guess it's "racist" for me to question this. Yeah, whatever.

These pc-obsessed times are getting old.


Making a mountain out of a mole hill there buddy. Get over yourself


He was calling the guy boring and uptight, it wasn't a nasty racial slur(Also he was trying to convey allegiance with Olivia). Stop imagining "oppression against white people", which doesn't exist. His comment was just so harmless that you get bent out of shape over it tells so much about your thought process.


I am currently watching this film, well part of it anyway, I've seen it many times. The scene OP mentioned just happened and I have to say that the 'white guy' portion of Joe's comment definitely caught my attention. It seemed a bit unnecessary, but in no way was I offended by it, let alone all up in arms like the OP.


That's how I felt. It made me pay attention, but it didn't bother me. Joe's a harmless guy, and it didn't seem mean spirited at all, it seemed like Joe was being ironic(joking about boring white guys to Fin, who might not be so boring after all) or trying to bond with Fin in a weird way.

This is pretty re-watchable in a way, I plan to watch it again as well. There's something about this movie that calls for at least a second viewing. Maybe it's the genre or the filmography--some of the lonely shots of the atmosphere?


There is oppression against white people!


I am a pasty-white Danish guy and Joe referring to the ex as a white guy definitely caught my attention.

Specifically it made me go:

"Wait... Joe isn't white?"

Not me, but check it out:


Lol. I thought the same thing.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Some Mediterraneans don't consider themselves white when it suits them, lol!



There is only one thing wrong, and it kills certain Hispanics when you tell them. That is for the most part,(100% percent for sure in Joes case)Hispanics are of the white Caucasian race. There are black Hispanics (Blatino's) and there are Hispanics with lots of Indian blood making them a mixed race person. The confusion comes from employment applications where in certain areas of the States The Hispanic portion of the Caucasians are a minority due to language or cultural isolation. In the Midwest, many refugee's from the former USSR were taken in. Local applications for jobs had a box to check if you were Albanian. They checked that box instead of the White box. Almost 100% of those refugee's were White also. It's really funny to see "gangsta" Hispanic's from the hood get really upset when they are told they are white. Those who are even mixed will deny any Indian or African blood - for some reason its an insult - that leaves them just a regular white Caucasian. So Caucasian Joe's remark is rather ironic at best but not bigoted.


It depends, most Mexicans for example are Mestizos while most Argentinians and Cuban Americans are white. People from Peru tend to be Native Americans as another example. Being Hispanic is cultural, not an ethnicity.


I'm watching it for the first time. I assumed he was speaking to his white hair. People call him the silver fox because of it...I assumed it was an "in joke."


i agree and for the record i hate *beep* minorities


Ha, yeah, people are making too much of a thing about this kind of stuff. Sorry to break it to some of you, but people do talk like this in real life.

Blacks call each other the N word, and sometimes white guys, we call each other, whitey, cracker. And sometimes white guys even call each other the N word.


i agree man


Why aren't you bitching about Ace Rothstein and Nicky Santoro's glorious Anti-White tirades in "Casino"? 
