MovieChat Forums > Wonderland (2003) Discussion > So how many of you have ever been to a W...

So how many of you have ever been to a Wonderland style party?

I'm talking about the party at the beginning when David Lind shows up

Btw I am not talking about high school keggers, your coworkers parties, graduation parties, but parties where the hosts and most of the guests aren't exactly on the up and up?

What twisted, sick *beep* did you witness or participate in?

Back in my mid teens me and my stoner buddies ended up at this party in Portland OR that was filled with every crazy, druggie, criminal,and lowlife in the PACNW. I can remember watching two bikers from one of the local 1%er clubs taking turns pissing in this crazy chicks face.

All the while my friends and I are sitting in the corner, passing a joint, drinking some cheap wine. trying not to laugh ourselves silly.



Spent 20 years in those environments . Nobody would sleep for 4-5 days . Music playing constant , people coming and going . Usuakky coke and meth are drugs of choice but heroin in the mornings .


I'm at one right now!


Must have boring if were posting on IMDB


When I was 21 I lived in a double story rental with 5 other friends of mine for about 4 months and it was a non stop party every weekend. There was always people sitting around smoking weed and watching telly and getting on bud for themselves, but no guns or any plans to rob other drug dealers, lol.

Believe me, it's annoying as fuck having people at your house all the time when all you want to do is relax after a long day at work. The weekends were okay, because at that age I was on a mission to get hammered, but once you have to go back to reality it's a grind when you have people popping by your house every day.
