Anyone remember when this was

THEEEEE board on IMDB? Politics, religion, general topics - all the conversations were happening on the Passion Pit.


Yeah I remember. It was pretty live. Wonder where all those assholes are now.


I know two of them got married. emsby or embsy - I could never get her screen name straight - and kosk, I believe. I don't remember him other than the name. She was a raging feminist nutjob. I am glad I did not interact with her during the Trump years. I'm not Trump guy, but she was crazy, just the opposite end of the spectrum. I believe she had cancer a few times.

I was friendly with someone named Erika, which I think was a part of screen name, and a guy named Jamie. I forget his last screen name, but the one I "met' him as was Doublefacedjanus. I got along with both of them really well for a while until some falling out/losing contact. Both of them - like me- got sick of how biased, partisan, mean that board became and we bonded over it. I emailed both of them regularly.


You must've been around before or after me. I used to frequent this board back in like 2005-8. It's been a while so can't remember all the names, but I remember some homosexual christian guy called 'knight in black leather' and there was this Jewish guy with PulpFiction in his name. I know he died in a car crash which is quite tragic. I remember at one point all the elitist dickheads on the board tried to make an exclusive board on rotten tomatoes, it didn't last.

"I know two of them got married. emsby or embsy - I could never get her screen name straight - and kosk"

Is she the atheist chick? Crazy that 2 people from the 'Passion Pit' got married. I thought it was just people arguing and being hateful.


No, I think (?) I was there part of that time. I don't remember exactly when I discovered The Pit, but if I had to guess, I'd say I was there any time between 04-10. Probably not that entire time though, that's a guess.

While I don't doubt she was, I think you are thinking of "Chx". I remember her. Practically masturbating herself every time she went off on Christians.

I think there were several gay Christians/former Christians. My friend Jamie was one. A gay guy who lived in Alabama. Raised religious, but became very bitter and angry.
