MovieChat Forums > Spellbound (2003) Discussion > Favorite character? Least Fav?

Favorite character? Least Fav?

Favorite had to be any of the girls. They seemed to be down to earth. Least favorite...Harry....oh my, where do I start.



I think there was something about April that I really liked, I don't know what it was. I also like the girl with the English father (don't know her name).
Harry did annoy me and was hoping the boom mike (edible?) would fall on his head and knock him out for the rest of the film, alas!


Harry was my favourite. I thought he was the most interesting kid out of the lot of them! He actually had a personality and was compelling to watch. If they were going to make a film where they followed just one of the kids, then I think Harry would make for the best film. The others were kind of boring in my opinion. Great film though.


I loved Harry! He was so cool!
I don't think any of the kids were bad but Neil's father really annoyed me with all his
"Nobody who tries hard can fail in America"
Of course you can fail! You can just have really bad luck!

I really liked the girl with the English father as well.

BEE Happy! Yay!!!!!!!!

I am English, and therefore a proud member of the nancy tribe!


Her name was Emily! I remembered!


I liked April, thought she was cool. Very different to the others, not as self-confident but funny.


Yeh I know character is the wrong word so I'm not going to say my favourite and least 'fav' but I will say that I was rooting for Angela and Emily the whole time. I also found Ted intruiging and was disappointed that he left so quickly. And I didn't like Harry very much, but he was the youngest of the lot and when we were younger we probably would have been tempted to play up in front of a camera too. And I love April's mum too, I know so many people like that.

The French Are Glad To Die For Love


I thought Nupur was great and it was wonderful to see her win. Her family seemed very down to earth as well, and her spelling bee friends were hysterical. All the kids worked hard and I was rooting for all of them, but I was especially rooting for Nupur and Angela. Angela's dad was so adorable

Carpe Diem!


I liked Harry, although he was annoying, you could tell he was happy just to have someone to talk to. He had no idea what he was supposed to be saying so just said anything. That made the interviews interesting.

I was also a fan of Ted- he seemed to have qualified due to being the least stupid person in a school of complete drongos. And I felt sorry for him when his teacher said (as close as I remember)

'It will be good for him, as he should find some people who like him...probably not a lot of people, but some.' poor kid

I didn't have strong opinions on the rest of the kids, apart from georgie who I was rooting to lose just on principle. His manner of talking grated on me.


yeah, harry is definitly on the top of my 'cleansing' list.

(not really a nazi btw)

Jim: No, see this is a really sh*t idea. You know why? Because it's really obviously a sh*t idea.


Yeah, that's right, throw around disgusting Nazi sentiment like there's no harm in it. That is an incredibly sick thing to say.

Let me stop you right there, and leave.


omg! harry was so funny... i found this film more of a comedy... and to know that there is actually a person like harry is just so... sad... adn FUNNY!


Rating children is mean and wrong? Oh well :) Here we go:

April and Emily were my favorites - bright, calm, hardworking, well-spoken.

Then Nupur. I liked her a lot, but didn't identify with her as much as with April and Emily.

Then Neil and Ted. (I can't believe Neil's parents flew the spelling coach to DC with them).

Then Angela. She was obviously a hard worker, and having parents who didn't speak English made her performance all the more impressive, but... meh. Not as much screen presence, I guess :)

Then Ashley the under-"publicicized". I felt bad for her, especially after seeing the "Where are they now" section of the DVD extras. Most of the rest of the kids went on to become student body president, or go to special Math and Engineering high schools, or are currently dual majoring in Biochemistry and Rocket Science ;) All they had to say about her was that she has her own apartment and is planning to go to college.

Then Harry, who seriously needs a good kick in the teeth, or some strong medication. Maybe some electroshock treatments. Holding up the entire competition like that? What an obnoxious little spaz. I am surprised at the responses calling him "interesting", and I have to wonder if they're from his friends or family... his every appearance was like fingernails screeching down a blackboard to me - actively painful. Maybe he *is* autistic; it certainly seems that there's something wrong with him.

Nearly tied with Harry is Georgie the Jesus freak. I was thrilled when he lost.

If there were a hell, I'd be going straight there >:D


I liked the three boys who competed against Nupur in the Regionals. They seemed really down to Earth, funny, competitive, but really hoping that Nupur would do well. I liked Ted's brother, who still thinks he spelled his word right. I was waiting for the shotguns to come out.


Mine was April's dog, the little jack russell. The way (s)he just followed the bee happy mom around and flopped down to sleep was so cute! My husband liked Ted's older brother ("I still think he spelled it right.").


I thought harry was a total legend. He was funny and excitable. I loved the clip of him bouncing on the bed like a madman. I didn't like the girl who came second out of the featured eight. she was too cocksure



You do realise that Harry kinda makes the movie the phenomenon that it is? HE is the kid on the poster. Would the opening sequence have been so funny if it wasn't for him? You need those kids with a wacky personality to entertain. And neil's father wasn't the 'bad guy' . Ok he wanted his son to succeed badly but then when he lost he still said it was 'phenomenally great' and he said that he would remember those skills for his entire life. and he was always positive, always saying you're doing good and everything.
Angela was great though, and ted's story was really touching. You should read the post about Ashley though, she's 19 with a child now.


I loved Harry - he was one of the reasons I kept watching the movie. We have to remember that he was in elementary school when the rest were around 8th-grade-aged, so naturally he would be a little less mature than the rest.

I liked the girl from Mexico also, and Neil - I thought what his dad said about everyone having the ability to do well in America as long as you work hard was really true.

