MovieChat Forums > Spellbound (2003) Discussion > Favorite character? Least Fav?

Favorite character? Least Fav?

Favorite had to be any of the girls. They seemed to be down to earth. Least favorite...Harry....oh my, where do I start.


I hate Harry... He's the reason I hate this movie...


I was really pulling for the underdogs so the Mexican girl, Ashley (DC girl) and Ted (is that the name of the really tall guy with the 2 similar looking brothers?)were my favorites in this order.
Least favorites: the rich kids whose parents were too pushy, so in order of least fav: Neil and then the one who won.


Harry certainly had to be EVERYONE's least favorite -- a thoroughly obnoxious
show-off. My favorite among the girls was Nupur, though I liked them all.
How about favorite and least favorite parents: I liked Nupur's parents a lot
and disliked Neil's father, who seemed more interested in winning than Neil was.


Although he wasn't one of the kids who got the most attention, I did find George the Jesus Freak a little unnerving.

I liked Angela. The pride in her dad's eyes said more than language ever could.


My favorite had to either be Nupur or Emily. For some reason I kind of wanted to see Neil win. I guess what his dad was saying about striving so hard for something, and then to accomplish it made sense, so I don't hold all of the preperation against him. Regardless of who my favorites were, I wanted to see Angela win the most. I thought the story of her family was heartwarming. Least Favorite: Harry, the Autistic, Idiot Savant, Lacking in all social skills....Musical robot.


That's a little presumptive, don't you think?

Ok, so Harry was a little younger and less mature than the other people featured in the film. And maybe he is autistic (I wish the film would've showed us a bit more about that). But he deserved to win just like anyone, regardless of his personal disabilities, or obnoxious tendencies. HE'S A KID FOR GOD'S SAKE!!

I was really taken by him, and his ability to speak his mind. I loved that he was so excited to do so that he could barely get the words out.

As for least favorites, I found April's mother to be a little too much to handle. I thought she pushed her daughter too hard, and seemed to be more into the whole spelling bee than April was. I was kind of put off by that.

"I'm glad it's you."
Road to Perdition



"George, I've liked him for years until I watched this movie and saw the "trust in Jesus" BS. He should be trusting in the many arms of Vishnu instead."

Sir tripsalot, I hope you were joking about the last statement. SO what if he says to "trust in Jesus" and why do you assume all people whose origins are in India are Hindu? India has people from all religions and colors and ethnicities. You really need some worldy education. Grow up bro.

Carpe Diem!



i liked all the boys but not harry and i liked all the girls but not ashley

god only picks the best to live


I agree with bluemoth23. I thought Harry was great, a little genius. Just a kid with a big imagination.

I think it's pretty cynical to discuss which kids you disliked. Favorite character?? They're not characters. They are real people. Which of you could stand up to the scrutiny of being judged like this as a kid? Not many judging by the mean and ignorant things some of you have said.


Musical Robot! Hilarious!



the only reason i didnt fall asleep was harry, i laughed so hard when he did the robot thing. he MADE that movie.


It seems unfair to judge the kids like that. I don't think I had a least favorite.

The one I identified the most with was Ted. I also liked Angela. And the girl from Pennsylvania who's name escapes me. The one who had Edith and Archie Bunker parents.

As for Harry, c'mon people, he's just an obnoxious, hyper-active kid. Cut him some slack, world's full of them. I imagine he's older and wiser now.


Harry was the best! I loved him as soon as I saw him. He has a lot of energy, yeah, but is it better for kids to be Ritalin zombies? I really wanted him to win.

And the poor kid whose grandfather promise to feed 500 people in India if he won. What kind of pressure is that to put on a kid? No wonder he didn't win! That was one wacko family. It wasn't the kids' fault, but they need to get their priorities sorted out.

I loved that family where the woman kept talking about her stationery, etc, with the phrase 'B-E-E Happy'. She cracks me up. If there were more people like her, we'd all b-e-e a lot happier.

I thought the kids were all brilliant and it was only some of the parents who came out looking bad.

I can't find a fan site for this film or the cast. Any idea if there is one?


The one from Pennsylvania was definately my favorite. Her apathy towards the whole situation reminded me of myself. I kind of wanted Neil to win though because now five thousand beggars in India are going to starve due to his loss (remember the promise his grandfather made?). I hated that little Harry *beep*. Further reason why kids aren't for me. That Georgie kid was sweet but Jesus Christ HOME SCHOOL KIDS ALWAYS WIN! It was cool to see Nupur win because she wasn't home schooled.

[sombraro]With a sandwich and a douche bag, man can rule the world!


I don't see why anyone had a problem with Neil. Sure, his dad was a little overbearing, but you could tell Neil really wanted to be doing it too. He seemed like the hardest worker and the most dedicated to winning. I expected April to win... something about her reminded me (just a little bit) of Rain Man, it seemed like she did nothing but learn spelling all day, almost robot-like.

Nupur, Emily, and Angela all seemed nice and had supportive families, I was happy to see Nupur win.

Least favorite of course was Harry, he was just a weird kid. But I guarantee you he was much more "normal" in a couple of years when he got to be as old as the other spellers were. Some kids just take a while to start to mature mentally, I guess his brain was so full of spelling words there was no room for anything else for a while there.

BTW it's pretty cool to see the kids in the movie posting on this board now. It's amazing what they were all able to accomplish at such a young age.


I really liked all the kids... Some of the parents got on my nerves, though... Specially Neil's dad... I was happy that Neil didn't win, but only because of the father. (Plus they can be happy with their money.)

My favorite kid was definitely (or is that "definately") Harry. I loved the way he always thought out loud, and didn't stop to say what he was feeling/thinking.

My favorite parent was the lady that had "B-E-E happy" stationery.

Even though I wanted either Harry, Angela or Ashley to win, I was glad to se Nupur win... Specially since that was going to make the Hooters people happy! :-)


Wow, people... a little harsh on the kidlets, don't you think?

True, some of the parents are overbearing, and the kids can be obnoxious... I'm sure I was a bit obnoxious at their age too.

Poor Harry. I imagine his company can be trying, but he was entertaining to watch in this. I've had several students with autism, and it's interesting to see how it manifests in different kids.

My favorites, though, were the owner of the ranch where Angela's dad works. When she scratches her head with the knitting needle, I was on the floor. "Twenty!" "Three?" "Twenty!!"

~Most people confuse their opinions with the truth.~


I was going for Neil. No doubt. Felt sorry for the quiet, reserved kid with the overbearing father.
And, by the way, I thought the final word was meant to be "logorrHOEA" not "logorrHEA". Maybe it's an American/British difference.

Oh, and my least favourite character was that mother who kept saying "BEE Happy". Annoyed me so very much. I can't believe people like her actually exist, let alone breed.


Musical Robot was *beep* hiliarious!!! That spazzy kid was so funny and such a loser, maybe instead of entering him in a spelling bee they should have entered him in a musical talent show as...MUSICAL ROBOT!

I really wanted the little black girl to win there was something very sweet about her and I felt terrible when she was so nervous on the big stage.

As for the kid who lived on the farm and liked blowing things up and his parents looked like they committed incest all I got to say is the next time a city is bombed lets see if the cryptic letter has long words which are spelled correctly.

Great film


'Take it or leave it...Carl'



These people are not just characters in a movie! They're real, as I'm sure you're all aware. Although it doesn't really sound like it.

People have made some pretty derogatory remarks, especially about Harry.
They have probably gotten enough sh!t through the years without these sort of comments being plastered on the boards by people who don't know them.

That's just my opinion.

Stunning documentary though!


lol @ comments about 'Ted', my sentiments entirely....when he said he was glad to find there were other people like him... I was thinking... yup, Ted Kaszinsky (sp. ? sorry), Jeffrey Dahmer & Hannibal Lecter !
....In the 'Where are they now' section he did look much more well adjusted however... so Good Luck Ted.

Harry irritated the everliving **** out of myself & my husband. He was painful to watch.

I hope Ashley succeeds in whatever she decides to do & I hope she gets some help to achieve it. Her Mum didn't come over too well, it didn't look as if Ashley inherited aher obvious intelligence from her, (or maybe she was edited to look bad.)

Laughed at loud too at the 10 year old in the bonus features who won 26 grand on Jeopardy.

Didn't take to the wealthy girl from Connecticut perhaps as much as the others, really liked Angela.

Realistically All of them were stars !


I just bought the DVD. My favorite speller is Harry. I was rooting for him. I can't believe that "banns" was the word that eliminated him. All eight kids featured in the film deserved to win. Though I think that big/tall (not Neil, I forgot his name) kid didn't seem to prepare as hard as the other seven. That nine-year-old girl from the "extra footage" would have been my favorite if she was featured in the film. I like to root for the underdogs. But that little info about her in the extra footage section is not as interesting as those of the eight in the main feature.

It's movies like this that makes me question the child acting in mainstream films. The ones in mainstream films don't act like kids at all. But it's probably the fault of the screen writer rather than the actors.
I'm not young enough to know everything. -- JM Barrie, The Admirable Crichton


My favorites were probably Neil and Emily, and my least favorite April.



As other people have said, please remember that this is a documentary and not a fictional movie; these "characters" are all people who have real lives.
