MovieChat Forums > Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003) Discussion > we've had worst bout favour...

we've had worst bout favourite lines??

2 c my fave line, read below!!! it cracks me up every time!

Holy sh*t a bike!
Holy crap a bike!
Gaga googoo bikee!


after the first young girl does her lip sync routine... cough, slut, cough


Grace pushes Dickie in the stroller--

Grace: this feels a little weird
Dickie: Dude, I'm the one in the stroller
Grace: Did you just call me dude?



When Dickie is talking to those bullies...........
"Red, Tubbagoo, Freak of Nature why dont u go home cry ur eyes out spank each others chubby little butts get up have an eggo come back and do it all again cause i like working out u punks NOW BEAT it!"
when Grace is kicking Dickie out
"mrs Geutrude: Grace could u please take ur family issues inside we dont need to see ur dirty laundry
Grace: Mr Gerturde please just blow it out ur a**!"
Sidney: i may have to pee every forty-five minutes but at least i can pee in a gold toilet
right after dickie spills hot wax on Cindy
im on fire u idiot!


When he says something like:
"Is that red hair or did someone fart in your mouth" and something.
I haven't seen the movie for a long time. :D


Not a line.
But I cried so hard when Dickie made that popping noise and pegged the cork at Cyndi's head. SOOOO *beep* funny. But t the end, when Cyndi did the popping noise then threw the bottle. I thought I'd have to go to hospital. That whas the funniest shiznit i have even seen.


"Insane on The Membrane! Insane, got no brain!"
hehe ilove that one!



Sally: Just leave us alone you freaks
Red haired kid: what did you just call us you little bitch!?
Dickie: whao whao whao. You just said the wrong thing to the wrong little girl capt'n. What does she weigh 20? What do you weigh 2,000? You wanna pick on her you wanna pick on me. You bastards wanna go toe to toe with me, I will got wAter wiggile on your ass!
Red haired kid: huh?
Dickie:*imitating red haired kid* huh? what? I don't understand a word cause I'm a dumb dumb. Is that red hair or did someone light a fart off your mouth?
Blonde kid: HEY!
Dickie: Hey? Don't you mean oink? Little piggy shouldn't you run off to the market?
Kids around them: LOL!!!!!!!!
Dickie: That was crazy, now the crowd's turning on you and that sucks. Tell ya what, listen. Red, Tud-a-goo, freak of nature. Why don't you guys run home, pee your pants, smack eachother on your cubby little butts, get up, have an eggo, run back here and we'll do it all again. Cause I like working on you puke-stained little punching bags. *pretends to sneeze and flips them off* NOW BEAT IT!

Best lines EVER! XD

he shot my hair! SON OF A BITCH!! -Princess Vespa


That part is great! And so is the "Sorry China, but his lady needs her mail!" is awesome too but one of my favorite parts is right after he tells those kids picking on Sam and Sally when Grace couldn't find the house and they are near the fire department and Dickie calls them up and gives the address to the fire department and is like "there is a fire and the Mckenzie's, HURRAY! Follow that truck!" I crack up every time.

Takes more than a firetruck to stop Drop Dead Fred!


Dickie- com'on sally , I....(i forget the words)
Sally- See, that might be why your such a mess today

(After the mom reads the scrpt)

Mom- So Dickie, do you see (after she explains it for 10 minutes?
Dickie- (shakes head yes), don't get any of it can u pass the coffee


It's more of a part then a is the part when he is in the elevator, and the woman is shouting for him to hold the elevator, and Dickie is like, "Okay!!" she runs up and the way he is moving his hands and the expression on his face when he is pretending to try and hold the door....and just before the door shuts, he makes that face like, "yeah whatever" oh it is just priceless....

i also enjoy the whole seen with the slip and slide.

the stroller scene "dude i'm the one in the stroller"

i like his sound effects with the sprinkler, motorcycle and the jet ski.

::cough:: "slut" :cough:

i love when he is dancing along with sally during her try out...he looked hot with that hat on and the jean jacket was sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love when he is singing along in the car, "changing the words not the vibe"

i love everything about the treehouse scene.

all his remarks on vin diesel, halirous.

"she's my mom too and i'm dealing with it somehow."

i love when he comes downstairs with a pink face and his hair is in a little ponytail, i think he looked adorable.

the whole dance with "just my imagination" was sweet!

"move your pile the light isn't getting any greener" (totally sounds like me when i am driving)

there are so many others but i am going to have to watch the movie again to remember them.



When dickie calls heather bolin a slut

&&, of course, 'This is nuckin' futs!'


I love the cheerleader tryouts all slutty and stuff...

And I love

The whole scene where it's like making fun of MTV cribs

and a lot more random ones which i cant think of rite now


i like when dickie and the kids are in the tree house and Sally's saying her story about a "witch" and dickie goes
Dicke: Sally, does this witch have a name

Revenge is best served with mayple syrup


"Champagne for my real friends and a eral pain for my sham friends."


Dickie: "cough" slut "cough"

Sally: "cough" slut

Dickie: Devil Bunny its an omen

Announcer:... her own spin off "The Bitch Who Didn't Know She Was a Bitch."



Mom- (after telling Dickie that she read over the script whcih he was audtioning for and she explained it to him)
"So Dickie do you see.." (nice soft music in the background)

Dickie- (after shaking head-music stops) no dont understand any of it"


Woman : However, I'll slip you a copy cuz I recognize you from that tv show!

Dickie: REALLY?

Woman: Sure,'ll have to wait until HELL FREEZES OVER *beep*


[to a bully picking on Sam] Is that red hair, or did someone light a fart off your mouth?
Barry Williams: I bet you a thousand dollars... no, make that a hundred dollars and the actual football we used to hit Marcia with in the whole "My nose, My nose" episode, that Brendan Frasier never calls.
[Dickie's phone rings]
Dickie Roberts: Hold on.
[answers phone]
Dickie Roberts: Gopher Dickie.
[everyone else laughs]
Dickie Roberts: Brendan? Yes, of course I can meet Rob Reiner tomorrow!
Corey Feldman: [laughs and points at Barry Williams, who glares at him]
Dustin Diamond, Corey Feldman, Barry Williams: Brick wall, waterfall, Danny thinks he's got it all. But he don't, and we do, so boom with that attitude or Reese's Pieces, Seven-Up, mess with us, we'll mess you up!
Sally Finney: Cut! That was *so* good!
[turns around and whispers]
Sally Finney: They're driving me *crazy*!
Sally Finney: Dickie, there has to be water on it!
Dickie Roberts: This is Nuckin' Futs!
[Acting as a 6-year-old, finding a new bike on Christmas morning]
Dickie Roberts: Holy *beep* a bike!
Rob Reiner: You're six.
Dickie Roberts: Holy crap, a bike!
Rob Reiner: You're six.
Dickie Roberts: Goo-goo, ga-ga, bikey!
Rob Reiner: Too far back.


Mom: Blow It Out Your A$$
(after their neibor tells them to take the show indoors)

*Cough* $lut (both times)


2 words: devil rabbit.
or was it demon rabbit.
did i just screw that up?



1. The scene in the stroller with Mrs. Gertrude.
2. Dickie telling the bullies off.
3. The fake 911 call to move the fire trucks out of the way.




At the end, with the narrator, said something like, "Cyndi guest-starred in the episode, 'Cyndi Gets Poison Oak' and was later giver her own spin-off, 'The Bitch that Didn't know she was a Bitch'".
