MovieChat Forums > Boksuneun naui geot (2002) Discussion > Cha Yeong-mi's voiceover near end

Cha Yeong-mi's voiceover near end

Great film, but that nearly ruined the whole thing for me. Anyone who's stuck with this movie to the end clearly remembers what she said to him earlier about her organization. OF COURSE that's who they are and why they're there!
She may as well have said directly to the audience, "You see, what had happened was, in case you forgot the dialogue bit which occured in the last hour..."
Spoonfed endings like this assume the audience is entirely comprised of idiots with short attention spans. I would love to see a version of this movie with that particular audio bit cut.

"I'll tell you something if you won't think I'm crazy...I've got grasshoppers taped to my back."


Yeah, sure, people thought she was full of crap, but the guys showing up and murdering him like she said they would should make you realize otherwise. That voice-over was pandering to idiots -- to put it bluntly.


Yeah, sure, people thought she was full of crap, but the guys showing up and murdering him like she said they would should make you realize otherwise. That voice-over was pandering to idiots -- to put it bluntly.


I would agree with this if it weren't for that part where the police have found Yeong-mi's body and one of them mentions that she's the only member of the RAA. At that point I just figured she was bluffing, though it was obvious at the end when the guys pulled up in the jeep she wasn't bluffing cause one of the guys was looking at a photo.

Still, what was the point of throwing the audience off by mentioning that she was the sole member of the terrorist group?


one of them mentions that she's the only member of the RAA

yeah,the bigger problem than the voice over is that,cause then you think she was bluffing,and it made more sence for me that she's alone in this "terrorist group",seemed ironic enough.


Yeah i felt the same


I agree with the OP, just when I thought this movie did tons of things right, the voice-over was quite the dealbreaker for me. As mentioned in other replies, I think the guy holding the photo (when she said she sent her group his photo) and the fact that it said "we sentence you to death" should be obvious enough. Most of Park Chan-wooks films are clever, and don't spoonfeed the audience. But perhaps this is the movie where he learned not to use spoons anymore.

One thing that did strike me odd though, was the paper the death sentence was printed on. It was a normal piece of paper, while the Cha Yeong-mi printed it on a red piece of paper near the beginning. I guess this is just because it's the group's message, so they just reprinted it whenever they needed it, but then she wouldn't have had to print it in the beginning. Unless I missed it somewhere else in the movie. Her pamphlets were red though.


"Dude's, last dying thoughts....... "

Nothing amazing ever happens here.


No, the piece of paper was his worker's termination letter - the guy who cut up his stomach in the beginning of the movie. If you notice, there's a shot at the end of the film which shows Mr Vengeance's two hands...the left scarred from the scuffle with his ex-employee, and a fresh bleeding one created by the 3 men at the end. This is a huge hint that this guys were friends of the worker he fired and not from the "terrorist group".

She says "If anything happens to me, my organization is a terrorist group.They'll kill you." Whether she was lying or telling the truth is not important, what she says is symbolic. The girl knows that he has ruined many people's lives and would get his just desserts in the end. The "terrorist group" that she speaks of isn't an official group she formed, but refers to anybody that rights wrong, that fights for the underdog.


Actually the paper was the one that Young-Mi(the girlfriend) was shown typing earlier. So it was all about her giving Park's photo to some hired guns and go ahead with the killing in case something happens to her (or his boyfriend too maybe?)...


Definitely agree, it totally broke up the flow of the final scene. Would of been so much better without it.

"Listen to me, Marvin Nash, I'm a cop."


Agree with the OP. That certainly didn't need to be spelled out for anybody with even half a brain!




The movie would have jumped 2 points higher if the ending was left ambiguous
Who were those guys? Maybe ex-employees, maybe the terrorist...
Whatever, a group of mean Koreans arrive, guy checks photo confirms it... bam! He's dead, end of the story

The voiceover is awful because we just read the letter in his chest also, how many confirmation do you need?

Great film till that point
