MovieChat Forums > Willard (2003) Discussion > anyone else upset....

anyone else upset....

when the cat was devoured? i got really sad! the poor thing was almost safe!


I felt really sorry for that cat. That was pretty much the only scene in that film I didn't like.


That cat was *beep* adorable. Screw Socrates - gimme the little kitty! I demand a sequel starring only the cat as a way to apologize! "Fluffy's Revenge." Goddamn, that would be so sweet.


I felt bad for the cat too. They could've made it a near miss and have Scully get away. I also felt bad when Sockrates (sp?) died too. But, I still like the movie, I just skip those parts.


Wow Glen Morgan really hates Gillian Anderson then becuz he named the cat "scully" after thas hate!


On DVD commentary track he said that it was a coincidence and they never meant it as nod to X-Files.


I thought it was funny. I laughed for a long time.





The cat scene with the rats was one of the best - if not the best - scenes in the film, and near the top of the list in all of movie-making for that matter.



we feel that way about the cat because it represents Cathryn's act of outside compassion to relieve willard's loneliness. Cathryn's love is killed by Willard's dark secret.


To Focail true but i hate cats all they do is come into your garden chase and kill your prised doves the p**s up the willow tree
i'm glad that cat got killed!!

To all you who hate rats: rats are the most loving creatures ever!!
cats are evil and mean and i hate cats so much!!!!!

and when the cat fell i thought it was hillaurious!!
i've never laughed so much... think i'm cruel, evil ,a downright b*****d i don't frankly care


I still find that scene hard to watch. That kitty was so cute! I was rooting for her to get away, but of course, this being a horror movie, there had to be a few horrible deaths in it.


actually i enjoyed the comedic value
of the cat "biting it"



I never fail to understand why people ignore the mountain of men getting killed, then grieve over a pathetic cat and vermin.

oh well, time to put the cynic back in its box.

"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, you will get them"


I had problems with the cat scene. I'm a major cat lover, and at one point in my life I had 12 of them. I'm also a rat-lover; I've had seven over the course of my life. One of my cats once ate my gerbil, though....


People who hate rats: It's the tail, isn't it? If it weren't for that big, long, naked tail, and it was all fuzzy like a gerbil's, they'd be better, wouldn't they? Listen to the man who has rats, they're so sweet, intelligent, and clean (i.e. rats smell at least 1000 times LESS than a mouse). You can teach them to come when you call, and in all my years having rats I've only been bitten about five times, twice because of food competition and three times because I was big and scary and they didn't know me. Those rats who intentionally bit me went on to become the sweetest rats I have ever owned.


yeah, and I think you were supposed to. that was sort of the turning point, where Willard lose control of the rats and, by extension, control over the tenuous grip he had on his sanity.




im a cat lover so it was pretty hard for me to see the cat die, but i was far more upset when socrates died

i wanna see what your inside look like
i bet your not f@*$en pretty on the inside
