MovieChat Forums > The Human Stain (2003) Discussion > How can the professor be white while his...

How can the professor be white while his 2 parents are black?

Maybe this is a stupid question but:how can he be white while hia parents are black ? It is not very clear in the movie . Maybe somenone who has read the book can answer this . Is somenone of his granparents white ? Is the movie a true story ?


In real life Wentworth Miller is actually half black, not sure if that clears anything up!


he's got stuff from all over doesn't he! read up


I am so suprised by the number of people that haven't realise that black people come in many shades including white.

It's already been said on this site that Wentworth Miller is mixed race very light skin and could pass for white if he wished.

There a lots of people in the media with black ancestry that are assumed non african ~ Vim Diesel and initially Mariah Carey and I'm not entirely sure but Elizabeth Berkeley.



Dum spiro, spero.


It can happens...i saw one family:white woman, black man with black son and white daughter, and she was really white and he was "really" black, and parents of coleamn in the film werent so can happens...



My mother is white and My father is black I born looking white but my brother looks black. this is because the mother of my gramother and my granfather was both white


He was not white he was PASSING as a white man knowing full well he was a black man. Please read about passing, it was something some light skinned african americans did long ago to escape cruelty and injustice. In fact, I believe there is a book called Passing by Nella Larsen if I'm not mistaken.


Philp Roth based Coleman Silks on Anatole Broyard, a literary critic for the New York Times. Both his parents were black Creoles from obviously multiracial backgrounds. In the novel Coleman Silks parents are discribed as having Swedish, Finnish, Scotish and other European ancestry, as well as African American. The actors, playing Silks' parents, in the movie version, are darker then Broyard's in real life, however. Like Silks, Broyard was able to pass for white when he entered the military. Part of his motivation for passing, when he started his literary career, was that he didn't want to be known as a writer rather then a black writer much as Silks wanted to be known as a classics proffessor rather then a black classic proffessor. All though his wife knew about his background and others had their suspisions, he never acknowleged his black ancestry and didn't even tell his two children until shortly before his death in 1990.

Just remember: I was as good as any and better then most-Vincent Freeman in Gattaca


No, no, you guys got it wrong.
He's is black.
Except he looks white.
Or I should say, he didn't look like he's an African-American.
So after the disastrous falling out with his girlfriend, who upon knowing that he's black, he decided to "renounce" his blackness.

And so from henceforth, he passed himself as white.
Not even his dead wife knew about, really knew him.
They never had kids so it was easier to hide.

The irony of it all was when he was accused of many racist remarks.
No one knows that he black.


He "renounced" way before he got ditched by his girlfriend. When he joined the navy, he checked the box "white", and he had issues with his father about the college he wanted him to go to.

