MovieChat Forums > All the Real Girls (2003) Discussion > This film blew. Watch Garden State inste...

This film blew. Watch Garden State instead.

This was the most pretentious and boring crap I've ever seen. People fall for it just to be cutesy, but lets be serious......the pacing was lethargic, the dialogue was half assed( J.L. Godard had done much better ad libbing), but at least the cinematography was great.

If you want to see an accurate story of characters wearing their hearts on their sleeves, check out Garden State, not this pretentious garbage.


"If you want to see an accurate story of characters wearing their hearts on their sleeves, check out Garden State, not this pretentious garbage."

Amazing, "Garden State" and "pretentious" in the same sentence. I weep for the future.


I will watch both, but this was terrific.

You're the first person I've wanted to talk to for more than 5mins... ever!


I totally and utterly agree with you! All of Green's movie's are like this. He really knows how to make a movie LOOK good, but there's no meat to feed upon. Paul Schneider has some real charisma and screen presense,he's the only thing I liked about Green's first movie, George Washington, but I totally don't but him as being the town stud therefore the whole thing falls apart for me. Having his character getting cheated on, I get it. He get's a taste of his own medicine. It just doesn't fit with Zooey's character. She's supposed to be this mature, kindhearted virgin and she just up and *beep* some *beep* at a party? Now that's as contrived a plot device as I've ever seen in all of cinema. His movies just meander around and it's all about being poor and impoverished with no prospects yet having inner dignity but that's the ironic thing, they don't have any inner dignity. The characters are just lazy and lethargic so why care about them? You're right, Zach Braff is the man so is Wes Anderson and Todd Solondz and Mike Binder. Independant directors that make great independant films without all the snobby arthouse pretention.


Yikes. Really folks. Garden State is not a good movie. As to the guy who complained about Z.D.'s character in "All the Real Girls" being a virgin, then up and *beep* some guy...yeah, welcome to real life. I don't know about you, but the vast majority of girls I know didn't lose their virginity to Prince Charming on a bed of roses. The vast majority didn't "love" the guy they *beep* "ATRG"'s portrayal of a smalltown community is pretty spot on. The guy playing Trip is way too old, but whatever.

"All the Real Girls" is about the lifespan of one relationship. Not just the good part, the buildup, but of the slow awkward part that comes at the end - the ill-advised attempts at "talking it out" and the wanton cruelty of it all.

As for the part in "Garden State" about "home"'s so emblematic of the problem I have with that entire script. It comes off like the vanity project that it is. It's like Braff had a bunch of vaguely philosophical stuff he wanted to say and just wrote a movie around it, plot, tension, and drama be damned. Think about how many characters make exactly one appearance in that movie and then disappear. Very lazy writing. Only one character has anything resembling a dramatic arc. Nothing changes for the main character by the end of the movie. He just needed love? Hmm...well what happens when the girl realizes she looks like Natalie *beep* Portman and dumps your ass? Now that's a movie I want to see. Bring on "Garden State Pt. II"!

As for the soundtrack, again, FORCED is the only word that comes to mind. "All the Real Girls" uses appropriate music for each part of the mmovie. "Garden State" seems to want the music to demonstrate depth that the script itself can't achieve.

I would say that even "Thumbsucker" had more depth than "Garden State". But please don't say that "Garden State" portrayed was a realistic portrayal of a relationship. The problem with most relationships aren't seizures or prescription meds. Most of the time it's just plain old human frailty.


i hated garden state....i seriously wanted my money back after i saw it.
all the real girls is a beautifully organic, unforced film.


I, love Garden State, I actually like it more than this movie to be honest.

But I think that Garden State is both more contrived, and more pretentions than this. The hipster dialogue, the faux indie soundtrack, the hollywood ending, the revelation about family issues that comes at the exact perfect moment.....

Garden State is a beautiful and touching film, and it is rather realistic in its portrayal of people in grief.....but the plot, soundtrack and directing are a lot more Hollywood than this movie

All the Real Girls, to me is very real in terms of the storyline and thats why I liked it.



There isn't a single scene in Garden State as good as when Schneider falls to the ground and starts beating it with his fist.



Both movies definitely have a similar feel.
