favourite character/moment

favourite character - weasel - especially in the early episodes.

favourite storyline has to be either the red vs the blue foxes, or Bold's spin off storyline which i thought was done brilliantly and was quite upsetting for me as a kid!

PS anyone used to get the magazines? I have them all!


I quite liked Bold and Adder. I loved Moley though.

But there were so many non-main characters I loved. Like Rollo! I loved Rollo, he was such a typical dog and ever so cute. And the wee Irish robbin in season 3. He was so funny.


All the characters were great, my favourites were Adder, Weasel and Bold though.

My favourite scene was were Scarface bites of part of Adders tail, I dont know why really but that part always stands out in my mind.

The Single White Rose of Wutai


Weasel and her boyfriend,measly,were my favourites.They were so funny !.


Oh, I just loved this series...my favourites were kestrel, adder and moley...

I miss stuff like this..if something similar was on these days I would still watch it, despite my age :-D I've just watched the first 2 series of TAOFW not too long ago, and I remembered almost everything, and what's even more shocking is that I still honestly enjoy it, even when I put all feelings of "nostalgia" aside.
Truly a great show.


I really second Bold's story, his death is one of the sadder moments in television history. My favorite character that stays throughout the series must be either Adder or Owl.

''Most illogical.''


I can't remember any storylines at the moment but favourite characters have to be Weasel and Adder.
