MovieChat Forums > Dreamcatcher (2003) Discussion > Which are the best King adaptations?

Which are the best King adaptations?

I didn't like this film much and like many adaptations of Stephen King works I felt it fell far short of the book. Which fims do you think did the best job of adapting a King book to film?


The Shawshank Redemption
Dead Zone
Salem's Lot
Carrie (1976)

Whoever said It (the miniseries) was good needs to get their head examined. I read the book and the miniseries did NOT even convey what the book was. That was a piece of defecation.

I saw The Mist and thought it was a great movie except for the ending.


Carrie, Christine and The Mist...


The Stand was the best, I thought, but I did not care for the Kubrick version of The Shining at all. Kubrick has been hit-and-miss with me as I felt that 2001:ASO was an almost total catastrophe. OTOH, Dr. Strangelove was brilliant as was his 1957 film, Paths of Glory. .

I thought that the TV mini-series, It!, was a good adaptation but also found that Tobe Hooper's version of Salem's Lot strayed too far from the source novel as did the 2004 effort.

So, adaptations of King stories have been a mixed bag for me.


Stand By Me, The Green Mile, The Mist, and Misery. I love The Shining, but it was *very* different from the book.


Stand By Me, The Green Mile, The Mist, and Misery. I love The Shining, but it was *very* different from the book.
That's putting it mildly.


The Mist was a great adaptation. The ending was discussed with King and he gave Darabond the Go-ahead. On the commentary, Frank Darabond said that King thought it was the most horrific ending and appropriate for the story. I don't disagree.
