I co-wrote this movie

I can answer your burning Sorority Boys questions...



I wanted to ask how do you feel about your writing partner directing and writing his own films now such as Employee of the Month and now Coxblocker? Do you think you'll ever write more cause I really think your a funny writer from what I saw in Sorority Boys, whoever came up with the idea of throwing the geeky guy out the window then crashes back through the other window is a comedy genius in my book and what advice can you give to people who are also trying to make it out in Hollywood as a comedy screenwriter?



So you helped write this movie? Well, aside from the whole drag thing, which I found very funny, I hated how this movie made women look. The whole stupid song about the "walk of shame" after the girl leaves the guy's room was absolutely humiliating and not in the least bit comical. Also the whole roofie idea was wrong, too. Nevermind that it was a guy in drag and meant to be funny. It practically promoted date rapes. So I found the movie, overall, offensive. And I can take a joke better than anyone so that should tell you that this movie was pretty terrible and whoever wrote it should be ashamed of themselves.


I love this movie even more if it offended women like you.


I don't know if you'll read this, but if you do i hope you know that i REALLY enjoyed this movie. I cleaned the house for two weeks so i could get it. And i think you did a great job making the boys look acceptable and believable as women. Michael looks great as a guy, and made a hott girl!!!

But i was wondering, what was it like working with Michael Rosenbaum?(please don't think i'm crazy....i'm just a bit of a fan....:))


You have to clean for two weeks to get permission seeing a b-movie? Wow. That's a pretty tight leash right there.


I haven't read through the pages and pages of questions and answers in this thread so my apologies if you've already answered this question but is there any chance of making something else with the same cast? The chemistry between all of the actors was outstanding! I guess you can't really make a part 2 but couldn't you try for something else with the same people?


Okay, since you co-wrote this movie, please answer this:

When Adam says, "Somewhere between the ribs and the rufinol..." the day after Adina's date with Jimmy -- what did he mean by "ribs?" Was there a scene where they went out to dinner that was cut? What other scenes with Adina were cut? I'm disappointed no deleted scenes made it onto the DVD; is there any other way to get one's hands on this footage?



