MovieChat Forums > Enter the Matrix (2003) Discussion > I AM THE MAN TO FREE YOU FROM THE MATRIX...


hi there...

if you have any questions about the matrix or me..please ask?
because i am the man born inside the matrix.this might seem like a prank to you,but i am for real.THE MATRIX IS REAL...
i will give you a description of how i have done this...

first of all...
1.i supervised the making of artificial intelligence.
2.i am the leader of the real world.
3.i am the man who built zion.
4.i built zion with asistance from artificial intelligence before it went bad.
5.i am the man who blacked out the sun.
6.i am the man who programed the making of the matrix into artificial intelligence.i did this as a measure against the human race being wiped out of existence.
7.when i blacked out the sun,i put topic number 6 into use.because when i blacked out the sun i knew that the machines would use us for energy.
8.i am the worlds smartest man.
9.i am a genius with computers. iq is 250.
11.i hacked the matrix so i could jack in and free peoples minds.
12.i built zion in 2069. is close to 2099 in the real world.
14.i have been on a 24 year mission to save you.
15.people in the real world are good.
16.the movies are real.the matrix is a true story.
17.i wrote the matrix movies.
18.i am in cryostasis in zion at this moment.that way i dont need to be fed,or my hair wont grow long.and i am still 24 years old in the real world.
19.i dont look totally the same in the real world.
20.i put myself under the operation to fit the hole in the back of my head.
21.i am a very good man.
22.i made the oracle.the oracle is my mother in the matrix.she raised me,and until 10 months ago i thought that she was my real mother.
23.i have a connection with the architect.
24.i hacked the matrix.i also hacked the architect.he is at my whim at the moment.i have changed the matrix to do my bidding.
25.the matrix is a program,and it goes a particular way.i cannot change things in the matrix.they are already programed by me.
26.i am not responsible for deaths in the matrix.i altered the least i could when i hacked the matrix.
27.i left the matrix a bad place.if i made it good,noone would want to leave.
28.i went through hell and back{literally}to free you. took 3 years while i was getting punished by the architect to realise that this is the matrix.
30.the architect destroyed my life so i would accept the matrix.
31i know the oracle and architect programs very well.
32.i have a audio connection within my mind with the architect.
33.there are no agents in this first version of the matrix.
34.the machines thought that they had got everyone into the matrix,thus they didnt catch there is no virus protection in the matrix.
35.neo will be real.i have programed neo to be made.i hacked the matrix.therefore i created the anomaly.
36.i am partly responsible for the next version of the matrix.
37.the architect cant undo what ive done.
38.programs cant think.they do what they are told to do by the matrix system. name is matthew dexter.matthew dexter isnt my real name in the real world.but my first name is matt.
40.i made the prophecy.
41.i am responsible for morpheus and trinity.
42.people unplugged from the second version of the matrix are partly programed.
43.people unplugged from this version will not be programed.i am installing goodness and pureness into you.and i will also raise your intelligence level higher. man will ever kill another man in zion.
45.people are put on racks in the real world.the pod system is yet to be invented.but children are born in pods at this very moment.
46.nothing is real in this world.
47.the merovingian will be a real program in the matrix.
48.i am doing things at this very moment to free you.
49.zion has more entertainment than in the movies.
50.yes you will have to eat that white sloppy food.
51.yes you will be free of the matrix.
52.zion is a bigger place in reality.
53.people in zion will be good.
54.i know that this place is the matrix.
55.i am giving you a month of what you want in the matrix,after you understand that you are getting out of the matrix.
56.i get out of the matrix a month in advance of everyone else.i need time to prepare my rescue.
57.everyone will survive the unplugging process.once you understand that you will be free.there will no harm to you.
58.the machines absolutley have no idea what is going on.deus ex machina does not correspond with the matrix in any way as yet.
59.the machines dont care about the matrix.they think that all humans are in the matrix.all they care about is their power.
60.the machines have you on food which does not create waste products.
the machines also have you on a drug which prevents you from growing hair.

if you have any questions please ask..
just know that you should not feel ashamed about understanding this.
many people think i am joking and playing pranks to scare people.but im not out to scare people.i am out to free people.THIS IS NO JOKE.
I AM THE MAN BORN INSIDE THE MATRIX.and everybody will believe.

just remember.if you have any important questions.please ask?





this dude probably was sitting in a closet sniffing glue and after 5 hours he accidntally slipped on a door and opened it. he saw a light and said "YAY! IM OUT OF THE MATRIX" but he was still high to the sky so he said to himself "why don't tell everybody to free themself?"

and: " took 3 years while i was getting punished by the architect to realise that this is the matrix."

that was probably his naked dad who creeps to his bedroom every night and beats him with umbrella



Number 17. The Wachowski brothers wrote the Matrix movies.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die. -H.P. Lovecraft


Big Brother isnt watching you


If your IQ is really 250, why would you think that we would believe this story. It's not all that plauseable because the only way for you to prove it is if you freed us from the matrix. However, your theory cannot be disproved either and anything is possible. Anything at all.


I'll agree that we could be inside the matrix and none of what we're seeing is real, but agree that this guy is one of the people from inside the matrix? I would have to be an idiot.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange aeons even death may die. -H.P. Lovecraft


WTF. you're messed up. GET HELP NOW, KID. you really need it if you seriously think all that stuff is true, and even worse, you think we'd believe you. GET A LIFE.

and i'd advise you never watch the matrix again. i don't wanna even know how much more screwed up you'd be.


Maybe Matt is tripping. Seriously, after the first movie came out, my friends and I watched it like a thousand times, and I found out that after we all dropped acid, it was really easy to convince some of them that the matrix was real, and that the only way to be unplugged was to dose because it allowed you to see the world as it really is.

Sounds stupid, I know, but f ucking with people while they're tripping is so much fun.



I just took a whole bunch of red pills, but I'm STILL NOT FREE!!!

Why haven't you freed me yet mattdexx5???

(Oops, I just realized they were Hot Tamales. Nevermind!)
