MovieChat Forums > About a Boy (2002) Discussion > Suicide and social services in England

Suicide and social services in England

I love this movie but one thing bugs me re:Fiona's suicide attempt. If she had been hospitalized in the US hospital social services would have assessed her and her home situation. Marcus would also be interviewed to determine whether he had enough support and how the suicide attempt affected him (among other things). It is also possible that his father or another relative would have been called and granted temporary physical custody. There most certainly would be a follow-up. I realize this is a movie and the story probably wouldn't have unfolded with social services becoming involved but does anyone know about social work in Great Britain and how children of suicidal parents are assisted?


I'm an English SW and it bugs me too!
I don't think he would have been just left like that- unless she somehow convinced SS that she was fine. Unlikely though.
He would at the least been offered some type of counselling, as would she.
And similarly they probably would have tried to find him so where else to stay.


I don't think our American cousins understood our English abbreviations?

SS= Social Services
SW = Social Worker


SS = Schutzstaffel
SW = Schutzstaffel worker
All Nazis if you ask me
