MovieChat Forums > Phoenix Nights (2001) Discussion > the best lines in phoenix nights

the best lines in phoenix nights

what do you think the best lines are
they are so many to choose from
heres my favs anyway

"it really does bring a tear to a japs eye"
"get up ya girl"
or "totally covered in piss"

what do you think??


Brian: "Here they are, Ant and Dec. They can't speak a word of the queens but they can knock the *beep* out of a egg chow mein quicker than you can say triad"

Frank Cartwright: "I tell you what the future is, everything under one roof. Sunshine indoors" (shows brian the funniest coaster i have EVER seen in my life)

Kenny: "So who pops his head outta the tent next to me? non other than Robert De Niro.... Absolutely hammered him at swing ball"

Young Kenny: (talking about inflatable penis) "Well can we disguise it?"
Brian: "Yea we'll put a hat on it and say it's you"

Quality TV!


"'Ow do I know?! I know a pissed horse when I see one! Get it a kebab!"


"I asked for The Matrix! Not flamin' Das Boot!"


Spencer: Let's get ready to rumble!


The Jeff Bitch song ,and the reaction of the old folk in the audience when he starts singing .


Can`t quote the exact words but there is a scene when Jerry asks one of the ladies if her husband is still in hospital she replies "no" Jerry goes "oh thats good" only for the woman to say "hes dead "


A cake... made of cheese?


The whole scene with the flyering for the Clinton Baptiste gig has me in stitches with Brian driving round the roundabout shouting at young Kenny.

"Ya spelling it wrong! Spelling it wrong!"
"Piss-kick? What's a piss-kick? Supposed to be 'psychic'! Tit."


This is permanently stuck in my mind forever:

Quiz night


"Watching in slow motion, as you turn around and say..."

Crowd all murmur together: "Take my breath away"

Cut to:

Max: "Watching in slow motion, as you turn around and say... walking on the moon"
