MovieChat Forums > Phoenix Nights (2001) Discussion > the best lines in phoenix nights

the best lines in phoenix nights

what do you think the best lines are
they are so many to choose from
heres my favs anyway

"it really does bring a tear to a japs eye"
"get up ya girl"
or "totally covered in piss"

what do you think??


Love this programme! wish they'd do another series!

When the students are going to the funny farm

'Do you take NUS?'
Max 'I dont take none ov that sh*t luv, n neither will you if ya know whats gud for ya! My bodies a temple!'

That guy wants the room for the kids to practice that play thing in

'So can we have that room then?'
Brian 'If it were up to me....'
'It is..'
'No ya cant!'

'There is a horse in my caberet suite'

When he knocks that woman with his wheel chair instead of saying sorry he goes

'Well if you'd move!'


After Paddy has bought some pr0n on their way to France...
Max: You'll go blind. You only get a bucket and a half.
Paddy: Really?
Max: That's all I got.

Love the way that Potter drank whisky out of a vase for the entire first series because he couldn't reach the optic too!


a classic people tend to miss is the guy on crime time saying ' police probe Leeds girl snatch, can you help?'


"can't we disguise it?"
- "yeah yeah we'll put a wooley hat on it and say it's you"


Jerry - 'Im a little teapot, short and stout, heres my handle, heres my...ooh im a suger bowl!'


Jerry singing "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" after drinking sake when he's taken all his pills.


Also when Brian and Beverley are on the bed and she tells him she has somethiing to tell him.

Brian: You didn't used to be a man ... like Hayley? (brilliant! if you're familiar with Coronation street)


Brian: What's that on your face?
Young Kenny: It's foundation.
Brian: Who's - Michael Jackson's?


"Simply do not ask me what this is all about, parce que je ne sais pas, mes chers!"


Brian - I just don't see why they should be throwing medals at boat people. I mean, how hard can it be to ride a boat?

Young Kenny - Ooo, I dunno. You've really got to hold on, and persevere.

Les - No, you don't ride a boat, you row a boat.

Young Kenny - Oh boat! I thought you said goat.


Jerry - What's the matter with me? I'll tell you what's the matter with me. Me first week as licensee, I'm stood here looking like a gay Satan cos somebody sold all me clothes on the jumble. I've been rolled round the car park all day dressed as a hernia and I've got 12 people in casualty with rubber burns.

Brian - Rubber Burns? Weren't he a Scottish Poet?


"There is a horse in my cabaret suite"

[RE. Jerry's CD]

"'Sex Bomb', 'She Bangs She Bangs' ...oh, all the hits. 'The Drugs Don't Work' They should do, you've had enough, what you on now!?!"

"Why is there a bike on the wall?"

I know it's not a quote but I love Brian's umberella hat in S2 Ep 1. Lol!!



Max, looking at his new diver's watch ordered of the TV.

*beep* I'm out of oxygen!'


If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.


During the auditions part at the end with the woman who fires ping pong balls from her 'special area' and there firing out like a machine gun brian goes 'WHere they comin from she only had four!'

And when brians stair lift gets stuck during a power cut
'Dont panic now what would thora hird do'

'You cant treat me like this im not one of the beegees'


"Ooooh, my angina!"


"You've got to have eyes in the back of your head in this game"

Shop Smart - Shop S-Mart


"It's a beautiful language isnt it Patrick?"

"What is it?"

"Havent got a clue"


(As a window breaks off camera) "Shine a light! What were that?"


Ray Von at the fundraiser talking about the disabled go-cart racing :

"why should the physically impaired have all the fun...!?"

"I have many leather bound books and my flat smells of rich mahogony..."


Sweet Child O Mine....

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed, by so many to so few."



Great result for aberseen the other day



One of my favourite lines is from the episode with Keith Lard

Den Perry: I'd watch it 'round there Keith, its dog rough!



Brian: No wonder you bloody pissed yourslef... your smacked up to ur tits!

Jerry: I've told you before Brian... it's herbal medication for early morning stiffness!



Paddy: A thousand pounds?!? I'll blow his head off!

Les (talking about Ray Von): He's very comfortable around death.

Brian: (talking about Ray Von's girlfriend): Young Tracy... I haven't seen her for years.
Les: I know. He killed her.

"It takes two to lie. One to lie, and one to listen."


the singles night when jerry walks in the door and paddy asks what the smell is
jerry says : summat u cant afford
paddy says: What? Febreze?




Brian: Fantastic! do you do anything else?
one-legged Elvis impersonator: Aye! Blue suede shoe!


Ray Von: Why should the physically impaired have all the fun?


Max (to Paddy) - I've lost most of my hair worrying about yours.

Brian (about the Captain's dead body) - Put him in the Pennine suite.
Jerry - Why?
Brian - Why? Because in here's murder. Next door's natural causes.

The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr. Brain has long since departed, hasn't he, Perce? - Edmund Blackadder


Ray Von: I suffer...from pyrophobia, what am I afraid of?
Max: Pirates!

Ray Von: My balls are black and blue, I've just hit them with a mallet, what game am I playing?
Paddy: He's just hit his balls with a mallet?!



i cant believe you've said this and not finished it off with the best part of the joke!

paddy: "whats that you're wearing?"

jerry: "summat u cant afford"

paddy: "What? Febreze?"

jerry: (pretending to be blinded) "Ohhh who said that? oh sorry paddy, i didn't see you there because of the light bouncing off your head"



A few of many here:

"I want to Moonwalk, Son, but life's a $h1thou$e" Brian Potter
"No wig, no hit - $h1t" Max
"He thinks he's in for life, you know. He's up for parole soon and I want him coming home in style" Brian Potter
The Crimetime shoot
The whole bit with the headsets
The Kamikaze Lager quiz
"I can't believe you shot me brother" "He'll live - it was only a flesh wound" "Casualty for four hours. Mum's gonna go up the wall"
The Booze cruise was quite good 'n all - "Here Max, Cadbury's Chocolate Fingres!!"
And every scene between Max and Paddy - right double act those two!!!


Just think of something witty like .....
I came, I saw, I went away again.




From the family fun day episode:

Brian: You can't have kiddies bouncin up and down on that... lovelength!

Young kenny: We could disguise it!
Brian: Yeh, we'll stick a wooly hat on it and say its you!

Delivery guy: Brian, it's not what it looks like.
Brian: Not what it looks like? It's a twenty foot cock and balls man!


The scene in the crime time studios is hilarious and...

Brian sitting next to Den perry.

Camera: Scene 44, take 1 and action.
(Brian points at Perry)
Brian: he did it! he bloody did it. he's the one ya want!

Finally: Bonjour Mr. Potter, je m'appelle Max, oui la pantalon!
(Hello Mr. Potter, my name's Max, yes the trousers!) (my website)



Series 2 Episode 4 when Jerry is calling out the Bingo Numbers at his 'Free and Easy Night' and is goin a bit mental, Alan and Leslie are watching from backstage:

Alan: 'Have you seen him he's off his head'

Leslie: I'm not suprised, have you seen all this here, whats this? (he picks up all Jerry's medication) Co-Codamol, Pro-Plus, Eckin..eesha, ginko bil bolocks! He's eight miles high this lad - he's Gangsta Trippin!!'

I just love the way Leslie tries to pronounce Echinacea and it comes out as Eckin..eesha! has me in hysterics every time!


'the horse is pissed...oh, get it a kebab'


The 'Black Bin Bags' song at the start of series 2, excruciatingly funny!


I cant beleive nobosy mentioned:

(after the club is closed down due to lack of proper fire safety regulations)
Jerry: You could've killed someone!
Brian: Aye, Coulda woulda shoulda!

Makes me crack up.


I have a friend who's just as obsessed with 'Phoenix Nights' as I am,and if one of us mentions a line,that's it,for the next 20 minutes,it's non stop quoting...
Anyway,some of my (and her) favourites are:

"I'm getting the word....nonce."

"Thank you for that lovely warm welcome.It was lovely.It really did bring a tear to my japs eye."

"Jerry!What are you doing?"
"No idea...."

"...covered in pi*s"

"This old heart of mines been broke a thousand times,Jerry."

"Have you ever smelt burning flesh,son?"

"I want the organ,not the monkey grinder."

"Woah,woah,woah,sweet child o' mine!"

"You're twisting my melon,man!" (funnier for being Potter that says it - would he know who the Happy Mondays were??!!)

"There's no justice.Ten million sperm and you were the quickest."

"Look at the state of that,it's filthy.Give it a wipe."

"Now,a bit of respect for the Captain" (as he puts his pint glass on his coffin...)

"Look at this lot,I've not seen them this excited since they printed that paedophiles address in the paper."

"Do you do private work?"
"What do you mean,like pointing?"

"Are they bulletproof?"
"They're non-stick."



Damn,just remembered another favourite:

"You want to be careful,Patrick.You only get a bucket and a half."
"Is that all you get?"
"That's all I got."

Plus Jerry,during his onstage crack-up:
"You don't own me,you lot!"


Potter after being stuck on the chair lift goes to the club and relives his ordeal.
"you must of sh*t yourself Brian."
"oh thanks a bloody lot Jerry. who else you told? "
Or something like that, must watch it agian tonight.
Spencers reference, "spencer will definately end up behind a bar"
"its says bars son, definately end up behind bars"


The one where Brian's stairlift gets stuck halfway and he says...
"Now, what would Thora Hird do..?"

Or the one with the psychic night, Kenny's painting signs on a roundabout, Brian's in the car -
Brian:- "Pyskick? Pyskick? It's psychic, you're spelling it wrong, dickhead!"

Max & Paddy with the Asian Elders as they drop them off
Max: "Say one for me lads".


leslie: what's happened?
brian: some queer's burnt me club down.

has me cryin with laughter every time!


Brian: Oi! Cremated me chips... mommy's dicks...

A brilliant quote. Dunno why.

"Pretty good. Pret-tay, pret-tay, pret-tay good."
Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm


My favourite is when Jerry Says:
"When they circumcised you did they throw away the best bit?"


afew scenes i remember with classic moments and lines in are (im gonna watch it again tonight aswell)

"and number 15 is, he died in a plane crash" and the fat one with white face (young kenny?) stands up and goes "YYEEESSS"!!!

"u musta *beep* urself"
"oh nice one mouth"

when first gerry walks past max and paddy shouting, dancing and jumping about being in the clear, and then young kenny (i think) walks out and shouts
"spread the word the phonix is rising"

and paddy says

"whats up with everyone today"

just the look on his face cracks me up.

when gerrys off his head on co-codamol and ECHINACEA??
"get the moon, bring the moon down, do ur teeth itch, dont teeth itch?"

and the classic that has me crying before he says it, when gerry has a go at brian, i cant remember what he says and brian replies, something like,

"oh sorry, allright, i'll just be in the office if u need me shaking off a migraine, sorry brain tumor"


Can't believe nobody's posted;

At the Captain's funeral;

Also when the guest speaker at the funeral says "A mark of respect ladies and gentlemen for the Captain" and places his pint glass on top of the coffin.

Les: I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll throw in a pig's dick as well!

When Brian is stuck on the stairs;
Brian: Kick the door in!
Jerry: What? With my back?
Brian: No, with your foot you tool!

"I've swallowed the Little Book of Calm!!"


There are lots of brilliant lines n phoenix nights i love the programme n have plenty of fave lines some of them are:

Young kenny: Can we not disguise it?
Brian potter: Yeah well put a wooly hat on it and say its you

Max: Baldy Bouncer

Max: Can you hear me now?
Paddy: Hear ya? I can see ya, d**k

Student 1:Is this the funny farm?
Paddy: The fanny farm?

Student 2: Do you take NUS?
Max: No! and neither will you if you know whts good for you my body's a temple

Brian Potter: Sweet baby jesus and the orphans!

Holy Mary:God loves you Brian
Brian Potter: Does he? he has a funny way of showin it

Brian Potter: Its hard to find the words to describe it.....oh iv got some, What the frig is it?

Brian potter: Im not as feng shuie as you now get the rest of the bloody village people in

Captain: what door dya want me on tonight?
BP: Sod off

Bp: Woah woah woah sweet bby jesus n the orphans are my eyes dreaming or have you 2 of my owrkmen singin acapolco

Max: Headsets?
Paddy: Sets for your head?


Kenny Senior lying to those kids about selling Jackie Chan some paint when his phone goes off...
"Oh this'll be him now...Hello Jackie! What's that, Chuck Norris wants wood chip?"

"She'll take him out to a field, and that's when we take over..."
"I'm not shagging him!"

'I'll need expenses...And my expenses are expensive...'


From episode 4 series one

-I'm horny, horny,horny, horny

-P*ss Off (sexy extra lady)

See the outtakes too for about 4 different renditions of this- eg 'In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleep tonight....P*ss off'


I work in a shop and a few days ago,someone actually came up to the counter and said,"Do you take NUS?" and I had to restrain myself from saying,"I don't take none o' that sh*t love and neither should you!My body's a temple."



the "covered in piss" was one of the best lines from many but on the outtakes there is a bit when Max falls and drops the bags of chips and someone on the crew says to Paddy "pick one up and eat it. Paddy says back "are you........on glue?" how i nearly pissed myself with this line.


Can't believe only one other person has said this so far.

Jerry "I haven't seen 'em this excited since they printed that paedophile's address in the paper." I nearly wet myself when he said that.

"I've already been dead once, it's very liberating" - The Joker


Stop stirring your tea di*khead


Cant believe no one has mentioned anythin with kenny senior

Kenny Senior "I'm very friendly with the S.A.S." (winks and taps nose)
Brian Potter " But you see your not Kenny!!"

Max " 'Ows it hanging Kenny?"
Kenny Snr " Hows it hanging? Nearly hanging off, just had 3 of them round the back!"

"Woke up, rolled over, guess who's next to me? Bonnie Langford!"

"So there i am, quarter finals of wimbledon...and i hadnt even been seeded!"



from series 2

if you feeling rather hungry
theres a product you'll remember
have it hot or cold on sunday
or you can put it in a blender
corned beef
with chips or with salad
its corned beef
even buckingham palace eats corned beef
why dont you try corned beef haaash!!


what about 'stop staring at your tea, dickhead', 'keith moon here and his bloody drugs', 'potter's all the range jerry, dont you go to the pictures? 'no'. 'i'm stood here looking like a gay satan, because someones sold me clothes on the jumble sale' I wanted an inflateable! it is an inflateable! it's a 20 foot cock and balls man! i'm not having that, too right were not having it!. ahh brian and jerry, their arguments throughout the series are classic.


"Your listenin to chorley fm. I'm paul leroy comin in your ears"


Les: "we'll only be there a couple of days"

Brian: " thats what they told terry waite."

"I'm Gonna Need A Hacksaw!"- Jack Bauer after shooting a federal witness in the chest


My fave episode is the quiz night one and my fave line comes from that:

Ray Von: The answer was The Shroud of Turin, thats the Shroud of Turin.

Pheonix team: Awwwww

Young Kenny: What did we have?

Kenny snr: Lisa Stansfield

I laughed so hard for ages when i first heard that. Genius.

"Guess I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue"


got to add to this, sorry

...."woke up, rolled over, guess who's next to me? Bonnie Langford...I nearly broke her back"


she only put four up there

aye, i do blue suede shoe

but i think the funniest thing i ever saw was holy mary trying to pull pints on ladies night with her pleasure balls....


(incoherent babble for ages by Jerry)..."...covered in piss." S1 Ep4.


Jerry St Clare interviewing Spencer for the Barmans job.

Jerry> So what experience do you have Spencer?

Spencer> Well, my mum said I'd be good and I played the Inn keeper in a Nativity play once.


I know it's not a line but...

Holy Mary's Princess Diana diamante jumper has me in stitches whenever i see her wearing it.

"He had one thing you haven't got....a great big bushy beard"


Jerry - " Have you come here to shop or take the piss?"
Brian - " A bit of both"


"thats TV's own Roy Walker that!"
