Who else likes this movie?

Maybe I like it so much because I anticipated it to be unfunny and really suck and it totally surprised me. My expectations were as low as you could imagine, so this movie really knocked my socks off.

I didn't expect the humor to be as adult as it was and I really liked that. Personally, I think this is one of Sandler's funnier movies. He's been really dishing out some crap lately.



I don't think it's nearly as bad as people make it out to be. The songs really aren't that memorable for the most part, and the crude humor isn't funny, but the film actually has its heart in the right place. Idk know why they decided to make such a big focus on the character of Whitey though. He is sympathetic (even if his voice almost derails that), but he should have just been an every now and then character and not co lead. The film was only 76 minutes, and some more time on solely Davey around the holidays would have been nice. Watchable for sure, but cut back on Whitey, maybe add a couple better songs, only have Sandler voice his own character, take out all that crude humor and deer stuff, and the film would have been like 10 times better.


I enjoy it and watch it every Christmas. It's not one of Sandler's best, but I enjoy the animation and it always gets me in the Holiday spirit.
