MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > Getting a 4K release to celebrate it's 2...

Getting a 4K release to celebrate it's 20th anniversary.

This afternoon, I am pleased to announce that Lionsgate has partnered with master filmmaker Quentin Tarantino for distribution rights to three of his most iconic films: Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2 and Jackie Brown.

Beginning with Reservoir Dogs, a Lionsgate library favorite for nearly 20 years, we've grown what is now Hollywood's largest portfolio of Tarantino films to include Inglourious Basterds, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, and Death Proof.

In addition to the movies we just picked up, we look forward to collaborating with the Tarantino team on a celebration of Kill Bill's 20th anniversary later this year with a new and remastered 4K edition.

I haven't seen this flick in donkey's years. I've only seen it once, back in 2004 I reckon. Can't remember whether I liked it or not. I'm due a rewatch for sure.


There's been talk for years of making it into one film and replacing the crazy88 fight in B&W into colour, i know there's an edit out there (Japanese i think) that has this but id still love to see an official 4K release!


I don't think the movie would work as one edit, vol 1 and 2 are so different in style and pacing. Besides Vol 1 has one of the best endings ever, so it would be a real shame to lose it. The crazy88 fight would be cool to have in color, though.


Cool, this is so great news. Kill Bills and Jackie Brown are my top favourite films from Tarantino. The Hateful Eight would be also nice to have in 4K.


I just saw new releases set for Oct 10 at Amazon. (Sep 23 would be the exact 20th anniversary of vol. 1's theatrical release.) I was about to pre-order, but they say "Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital." No mention of 4K/UHD anywhere in the listing or on the images of the packaging. Hope it's a mistake.

EDIT: Apparently not a mistake. Fuck you, Lionsgate.


At people seemed to be confident that 4K UHD will happen eventually. They'll release it first on blu-ray because distributor changed, or something.


We're already past that. Lionsgate acquired the rights to Kill Bill last May. At that time Lionsgate officially announced they were doing a 4K release to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Kill Bill. Apparently their plans changed, which is fine. But to keep their mouth shut about it and do a new non-4K release at the 20th anniversary, that it a severely shitty thing to pull on us.

EDIT: Eh, the 20th anniversary window is technically from Sep 2023 to Apr 2024, so they're still good. Shucks.

EDIT 2: The May announcement said 'later this year.' So blu-ray in Oct, then 4K in Nov or Dec? lol yeah that's gonna happen =P
