MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > Something I always wonder about the reve...

Something I always wonder about the revenge

I love these two volumes. A lot. But something I tend to wonder is....

While it obviously makes for better films for her to go after every person in the squad who was involved in the killing at her wedding, why would she feel the need for such strong revenge against Bud, O'Ren, Vernita, and Elle? Other than just Bill?

Because think about it, if just say.... Vernita got pregnant (which she eventually did and went on to live a "normal" life like Beatrix was trying to do) and decided to up and leave the squad without telling them...and if roles were also reversed in that she was the one in love with Bill and vice versa--- Bill would have pulled the same thing on Vernita, and Beatrix would have been ordered just like the others to kill Vernita. And Beatrix would have done it no questions asked, no guilt or remorse. Just like she kills anyone else. So wouldn't she have assumed it wasn't personal with the others? Just with Bill? Because they show no backstory of any of them being loyal best friends. Or not "killing one of their own even if Bill asked" which would never happen because they would know never to say no to Bill. So while I get she would hate them and be shocked about it, I feel like she'd understand that had she been in their place she never would have said no to Bill. Unless she was still the one he was in love with, but what wouldn't have been the case if they did this to someone else. The biggest reason they did it was because Bill loved her and was hurt. I doubt they all killed every single person who left the squad unless they left in a betraying way. Which I get Beatrix did, but even still sometimes I feel like her unrelenting rage towards the rest of the squad is a bit hypocritical because they were ordered by Bill to do it--- and all trained to be emotionless killers.

Is it more just an honor thing? Like an eye for an eye? Like no matter what it's more "How dare you try kill me no matter who told you to or why? If you try kill me I try kill you" ?

OR was she pissed because obviously Bill could have done it himself. He could have walked into the church and either went kung fu on everyone's asses with his Hanzo sword or just used a gun--- but Beatrix felt it was personal because maybe they said they WANTED to help because each of them had a reason to hate her. Bud because she hurt his brother and is loyal to his brother. Elle, because obviously Elle wanted Bill as they ended up sort of being together and aslo Elle was jealous of her skills, and also both O'Ren and Vernita were jealous she was the best female assassin and wanted her elimanted as well?


There might've been a maternal element at play. I think she could've treated them as professionals if they were just killing her. But they're ganging up on a (very) pregnant woman, all knowing full well they're taking two lives and not just one. After waking up from a coma, I can see her going after just Bill. But touching her stomach and feeling nothing struck a serious chord, and I think that's what made it so personal for everyone involved (Sofie included).

That's my take on it.

It's the kung pao! George likes his chicken spicy.


Wow that's a really really good point. I am not a mom yet so I didn't even think about that. I suppose realizing your baby was gone and the coma took up years of your life you'd be pretty hateful to all those involved not just Bill. That makes a lot more sense in terms of the serious revenge she wanted towards all of them and not just Bill. How did I not think of this? lol. Thanks!


It's the kung pao! George likes his chicken spicy.


Also, they killed a room of innocent people who's crime was merely knowing Beatrix. I think that played a part in it as she was also getting justice for them.They had no idea of her past and thought she was a regular women. She made friends and was with someone new who loved her. But because of their association with her they were brutally killed,so maybe she felt guilty for bringing them into the mix.


"But they're ganging up on a (very) pregnant woman, all knowing full well they're taking two lives and not just one."

They were not 'taking' any lives - you can't literally take a life. You can only murder a body, so life can't live there anymore.

And .. two? Did you know it was called a 'MASSACRE'? That word is never used for two people only.

Also, they didn't even kill the baby anyway.


I think that there was a friends & family vibe amongst the Deadly Vipers. These were, in a twisted way, in Beatrix's world, her closest friends. There was supposed to be honour among thieves, I think. So, she was feeling betrayed in a big way by all of them.

Practically-speaking, though, she was also eliminating Bill's backup, and revenging herself on Bill by killing his own nearest and dearest. He tried to thoroughly demolish the world she was building for herself, so she was going to thoroughly demolish the world Bill had built for himself.

It's also, yeah, partly eye-for-an-eye. Budd pointed out that Beatrix deserved her revenge, so it's possible that this is part of the honour code.

As to the rest...maybe in a role-reversed world, Beatrix would have gone along with it, but that wouldn't make it any better. But, it is my reading of the whole thing that Bill would not have pulled that with any other member of the squad. He loved Beatrix, he felt like she betrayed him, and he was frothing. We actually see what happens when he doesn't have that personal bind: Vernita is living the suburban mom life because Bill didn't feel like Vernita was betraying him. Of course, Vernita wasn't having Bill's baby (I don't think, anyway), but either way, Bill had a personal grudge against the Bride.


"Or not "killing one of their own even if Bill asked" which would never happen because they would know never to say no to Bill".

Which makes me wonder if Bill would have killed any member of the group that refused to partake in this wedding massacre.


Refusing missions probably would have consequences. They might not be murder, of course. I feel like Budd felt bad about it, though, and that was part of the falling out between the brothers.

Clearly, Bill plays favourites and reacts differently to other members of the DVAS than the Bride. B left him and rejected his whole way of life, which left him sore enough to go ballistic and order the massacre. Contrast this to "happy homemaker" Vernita Bell-Green, who is living just fine with no hard feelings from her former boss. Why? Bill has different standards.

To that end, he probably would have had different reactions to a DVAS member refusing to participate in the massacre. Vernita and O-Ren might have gotten away with being barred from the DVAS and any other perks that come with being Bill's buddy. If Budd had refused, they'd have become estranged earlier. But Elle... well, Elle was more in "Bride territory," and might have gotten herself killed, too.

Of course, Elle probably enjoyed what they did to B.


"Contrast this to "happy homemaker" Vernita Bell-Green, who is living just fine with no hard feelings from her former boss. Why? Bill has different standards".

Because Vernita wasn't Bill's love interest (unlike Beatrix). If she would have left the squad under the same circumstances as Beatrix. She would have undoubtedly suffered a similar fate.


That's what I'm saying. I don't know what Bill's policy was on members of his squad turning down missions (like the massacre) but, from what we see in the movies, he has different reactions depending on how close he feels to the different members of the team. Vernita probably could have opted out of killing the Bride. She probably didn't care, though, and took a pile of money to wipe out "Black Mamba" - especially since Vernita seemed to resent Beatrix for having that very moniker (or was she jealous of the favouritism shown by Bill...?)


That would be awfully vain of her! To hold a grudge over a codename!? Just like Reservoir Dogs. Everyone wanted to be "Mr Black!" 😁


It sure would. People often get bent out of shape over petty things, though (just look at politics). In Vernita's case, I'd guess that she was frustrated by the favouritism shown from Bill to the Bride and the Black Mamba codename was just a manifestation of that. In other words, she didn't really care about code names too much (maybe a little) but an accumulation of other annoyances just came out in her annoyance over the moniker.


Good observation! Her complaining over the codename may have been a reflection of what was already simmering beneath the surface. This leads me to believe that her apology may have been insincere. If she truly moved on from the past. Why bring that up? Especially in such a resentful tone. This implies she was still harboring ill will (this deserves it's own thread).

Not to mention that she broke the truce when she tried to open fire on Beatrix through a box of cereal. As opposed to fighting it out at that baseball field at a specified time. As they had agreed upon.


Vernita was definitely still resentful of the Bride. She also might have been harbouring some resentment based on her "chosen" new life. I could be misremembering, but doesn't the Bride says something about Vernita getting knocked up? Is it possible Vernita was on the fence about retirement, found herself pregnant, and went with the homemaker life, but she always wondered about that other path...?

As to the cereal box ambush, I'm guessing that Vernita knew the Bride's skill level with a blade. She probably figured that a surprise attack was the only possible way to put down her arch-enemy and took that chance. She was never leaving that baseball diamond alive.
