MovieChat Forums > Dagon (2001) Discussion > Am I the only one who thought the tentac...

Am I the only one who thought the tentacle girl was hot?

I dont know, maybe I'm a weirdo, but I found the idea of a tentacle girl kind of arousing. Come to think of it so did a few of my friends I've seen this with. She's pretty cute in the first place, then you find out she's got tentacles! One of a kind!




I'm with you on this one, man. Never have I seen a cuter betentacled vixen. She was pretty hot when she was in angry High Priestess mode too.


rottenbrain and all of you other misfits who some sea woman with fishy slimy tentacles gave a woody too, please..just go masturbate to it then :P And Whoever that ugly crown wearing island slutlike crazed bitch of a princess was.... she needs to seriously go die.

Its a jungle out there.


Gee are we a wee bit on the jealous side? It's all fantasy anyway.

Macarena is a beautiful woman and she brings off the Mermaid Uxia quite well. Yeah the tentacles 'are' interesting but I'm a leg man thus great legs are a real turn on for me. Tentacles? O...K... but they're just interesting but not desirable to me anyways.



yeh she was hot!!



What does "MOH" stand for?


The "Masters of Horror" series from Showtime.

First time?
No, I've been nervous lots of times.


cameron_ghost, wtf are these "endless possibilties" involving her tentacles, ya filthy fr00t!

Id much prefer Raquel Merono, i couldnt help but check out her nice body in the last scene.


My friend said that it reminded her of tentacle hentai. I don't know if she's into that, but.....



haha... i just saw this movie yesterday, and was planning on coming to this board and doing a post just like this one, figuring i was the only nutcase who had fallen for "tentacle-girl"... i see i got plenty of competition for her though!



Hmmm... didn't find the tentacles particularly "hot"... actually rather disturbing. A nice touch, however, definitely unexpected, and adding a nice twist emotionally as well as visually. As for Macarena Gomez... that's a different thing. Absolutely beautiful, and I find her voice rather haunting in this film, too. The first time I saw the film, what struck me was that she had a screen presence that reminded me of the young Barbara Steele.... Would like to see more of her work, and firmly of the opinion she should be given more roles in films made more widely available, as she did a wonderful job with the emotional complexity of Uxia....
