Se.12 Ep.2

Pretty, pretty, pretty ... pretty good.

Maybe only one pretty would do, but Ep. 1 was so bad.

Larry is in jail for violating Georgia's election laws about bringing water to someone in line to vote. Jeff and Susie show up. Susie rents an AirBnB with a black lawn jockey out in front, Jeff bales Larry out, with a lawyer that looks suspiciously like Mocha Joe.

The false note in this is that these guys are rolling in money. Larry is a for real billionair I think, and in the show Jeff represents all kinds of famous actors and can buy and sell new houses in Hollywood at the drop of Susie's hat. They worry far too much about money.


I laughed when they painted the lawn jockey

Signed, million man


The lawn jockey that looked and sweated like Rudy Guiliani. Hilarious.
This was a good one.


he's been like that from the beginning though. That's long ball Larry for ya! lol
