MovieChat Forums > Panic Room (2002) Discussion > Why would Leto steal the bonds?

Why would Leto steal the bonds?

Jared Leto's character was set to inherit 1.5 million. If you get a free 1.5 million it is not worth the risk for another few million you don't even need. 1.5 million is enough to retire on so why would he risk stealing more?


1.5 is not as life changing as 22.


Why was the house sold with the bonds still in the house? ANd why didn't Leto steal the bonds earlier? I think he'd be anxious to get his hands on them instead of waiting 3 weeks.

Seriously. why were the bonds still there when other people knew they were there?


Why not come by from time to time attempt to befriend the family sure risk they might not want to be friends or discover the bonds but beats going to prison. Sure 22 million is great, I would rather have 1.5 million and free.


That's what I want to know.
I haven't seen this movie in years but it's playing on Cinemax right now. I was debating watching it again. I couldn't remember if it was mentioned in the movie or not.
If not, that's a serious plot hole.


>Why was the house sold with the bonds still in the house?

Good question, don't recall if there's an answer to that.

>ANd why didn't Leto steal the bonds earlier?

He probably needed time to find and convince Burnham, hire Raoul, etc. He thought he had a huge window of opportunity with no need to rush. When you rush you're more prone to make mistakes. If the house hadn't been sold unusually quickly he would have had almost all 22 million to himself. He thought the risk was minimal, and if the sale had gone through normally he would have been correct.


It's all spelled out in the movie.

Leto's character was under the impression that Meg and her daughter wouldn't be moving in for another week so he clearly thought he had a wider window of opportunity than he actually did, as another poster pointed out.

Plus, it may have taken him some time to recruit the other two guys, as yet another poster said.


The will said that the money was to be divided up between Leto and like a whole bunch of other people. If Leto just steals it then he gets the whole thing. Also now that Meg owns the house wouldn't the money be hers???? Or does the will override that? Sorry I'm not an inheritance attorney.

