MovieChat Forums > Road to Perdition (2002) Discussion > SPOILER - I can't help it but

SPOILER - I can't help it but

The sad ending almost ruined a very good movie for me and I find it hard to watch it a second time. Is it just me or does anyone else feel that it was just too depressing to have Hanks and the kid killed after all they had been through - and ALMOST made it......some movies should have a happy ending, this is one of them IMO.


The kid wasn't killed. Only Mike Sullivan died. The kid drove to that man and lady's house afterward where they visited before.


Thank you for clearing that up - I must admit it was a long time ago I saw this movie and just remembered a very unhappy ending. This proves to me I must see it again, at least the kid survives (but loses his beloved father).


I think Hanks' death drilled the point that Newman made in the church's basement -- "We're all killers" (or something like that). Hanks' character was a good father in the movie, but he wasn't a good person: he wasn't much better than Rooney Jr., Rooney Sr., and the hitman. Hence, he had to die, just as they did. His death emphasized that only Michael Jr. had a future as a good person.


Little Michael was still pure since he didn't pull the trigger, so he gets to see life ahead of the others.


I agree OP it is a sad film, but did you know it’s based based, nearly word for word, scene for scene, on a graphic novel entitled the same?
