overrated anyone??

Was anyone else disappointed by this film? I have been waiting since Pan's Labyrinth came out to see this movie and after reading all the positive reviews I guess I had extremely high hopes. I was not very impressed at all but I did like the way they made Santi look.

The Devils Backbone: 6/10
Eagle Eye: 7/10
Home Alone 4: 0/10



Yes very overrated.

Actually the first half of the movie was kinda good and interresting, the ghost it self was very well done, alot more realistic looking many modern movies.

The big bomb could have had some point in the actual story, maybe an interresting plot twist, but no it was entirely irrelevant and just made an already long movie even longer.

It's not even a horror movie it's a thriller at most, that got really boring after we found out the young guy is just a creedy douchebag.


yes, it's rated pretty high for a horror movie which got my hopes up, and that's never a good thing going into a movie

needless to say i was very disappointed, it turned out to be another ghost story, and i was like been there done that

so many movies, so little time


Was anyone else disappointed by this film?


Graham Hess: There is no one looking out for us. We are all alone.
