3/10. Here's why:

I consider RAT RACE to be an unnoficial remake of IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD. Specially since it has the same title in Spanish. One of the few things I didn't like about the original was the climax, where all the characters were literally thrown around. It was very mean-spirited. I know the rest of the movie may have seem mean too, but it really wasn’t. The difference was thin, but it was there. Anyway, this movie is mean-spirited from beginning to end. And I was annoyed by the way every single object was coincidentally placed in the right place for every gag. It was too convinient. Well, maybe I'm looking too much into it. Maybe it wouldn't have bothered me if the comedy had been funny. The ending sucks. The sentimentality is phony, and it doesn't fit with the rest of movie.

You can read comments of other movies (including the original) at http://vits-ingthemovies.blogspot.cl/2016/01/comments-round-up-december-2015.html

Any thoughts?


You should have bought a squirrel.



Why give it that many points?! IT DOES NOT DESERVE POINTS!!


is all it deserves, and even THAT is being unreasonably generous!


As for me I give this film a 9/10 because it had a lot of laughs and the situations they've gotten themselves into were hilarious.
