Enough with the Nazis!

it seems like writers fall back on the nazis as bad guys when they don't want to explain the characters. Oh he's a nazi so obviously he only thinks of world domination for the fuhrer. he has no soul and is not a real person just a nazi. Very very *beep* limp! AND LAZY!

I want to see a movie where the nazis are good guys. just for a change.


Nazis make great movie badguys. Fantasy movie nazis are so much more than real nazis. When you put a nazi in a film like this, people watching "know" them already, having seen them in countless other films. It's like having an established character.


I regret not posting this at the end of the thread. The Nazis DID explore Tibet. In fact, Hitler was quite irritated with Heinrich Himmler for continually funding SS archaeology teams to find proof of Aryan racial theories, remarking, "What culture is there in a clay pot?"

This is why it's so frustrating to be historically accurate in movies--people's "common sense" causes them to unfairly criticize said movies for "historical inaccuracies" when, in point of fact, it's them who are historically ignorant.

I'm sure the scriptwriter was aware of this and kudos to him for having the courage to go ahead with it anyway.



Let me guess.....the OP is a nazi?

Last Seen
Bulletproof Monk, 6.5/10
Poltergeist II, 6.5/10
Poltergeist, 8.5/10



what u on about, the americans always acted purely good. saving children and puppies, only killing the most evil of men, no unnecessary violence. and every time they killed someone, it was a beautiful sight, with emotional violins playing. a dead US soldier is a dead angel right?

hehaha. the americans ARE the nazis.


Ehm, it might be the German version, (especially the dubbing, there is obviously no german accent distinguashible) but i thought those were english soldiers ... as he mentioned he wanted to go on holidays since the english arrived


If the movie script goes back and is set during the time of World War II then it has to be the Nazi's that are involved in this film I hate to say it. I liked it and had no problems with it at all. Typically back during the time of World War II a lot of the comic books that were created were based upon World War II. and the Nazi's. That is why they are perfectly bad villians to hate in films.

What did you want them to do make it about Osama Bin Ladden wanting the scroll due to current events or even any of the Middle Eastern Terrorists including Saddam Hussein?

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You guys DO realize that Heinrich Himmler sent SS archaeology expeditions to Tibet IRL to find proof of their theories on Aryan origins, don't you? This aspect of the movie is actually quite historically accurate.



I did not know that this actually happened. This is totally awesome to hear about!

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Yes, in fact Hitler and Himmler were constantly in conflict over it. Hitler thought it was a waste of money, remarking "What culture is there in a clay pot?"

Most people think that Nazis were the main villains in the first three Indiana Jones series simply because they were the main villains in the adventure films of the mid-20th century, which Indiana Jones was a tribute to. Most people would be surprised to learn that this aspect of the films isn't too far from the truth.

Here's the wiki article:




COOL! Thanks for the link! I appreciate that and I will check that out to learn more about it!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans! www.usaupallnight.webs.com/


NP, glad to help.



Trust me it helps with information!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans! www.usaupallnight.webs.com/


dunno what you are saying..... but:

'killin Nazi's never gets old...'... Lt. Aldo Raine, the Apache
