Enough with the Nazis!

it seems like writers fall back on the nazis as bad guys when they don't want to explain the characters. Oh he's a nazi so obviously he only thinks of world domination for the fuhrer. he has no soul and is not a real person just a nazi. Very very *beep* limp! AND LAZY!

I want to see a movie where the nazis are good guys. just for a change.


Well they are based on a comic book
so like captian america fighting nazis isnt such a bad idea


Nazis are bad, they should be put on a chain and muzzled!
And they certainly should not have superpowers because that would totally suck.
The movie is very clear on this.

Nazis as good guys? I bet you can count your supporters on one finger.




Well the only thing with that is there is no controversy with them. Everyone hates a nazi so you can portray them as the ultimate bad guy. When they use today's bad guys like Muslims then there will always be a side that yells "typecasting and stereotyping". Nazis are silly because todays young people would never consider them an enemy because it was so before their time.



Yeah! Enough with the Nazi's guys! Can't they get a little respect for their great achievements! Nazi's are so underrated...


they dont make films about good nazis because back people and jews would flip and they would pull out the racism card seeing as black people are always villains in films too(until a few films recently)everyone would want to be portrayed as good...even the pope!?and what the hell does he do?

so its better to just keep your villains as villains and good ppl as they are

americans are worse than Hitler because they keep getting away with their justified holocaust in Iraq

i believe in ppl dyin,i believe in ppl cryin i believe in ppl h8in


Aren't everyone forgetng about the 2 A-bombs in japan? Still killing today...

Ho and about the holocaust, you kidos seem to know a real deal of it. Everyone does! When comes to actually PROVING anything at all, they resort to the miracles of the jews. Good job!

Don't get me wrong, holocaust did happen, it was a holocaust for all european people, including germans, like the bombing of dresden by the allies, icinerating thousands of civilians (vietnam anyone?).

Anyway, a great movie about a "good" nazi soldier: A time to love and a time to die".

Truth will set you free.


People, lets make a few things clear.
1) My Granfatherfouhgt in WW2 and he was one of the first to note that Nazis, the SS and the general german soldier and the german civilian were all as differnt from each other as good and evil.
2) The German Army was not more evil then the allied, or the US is now in Iraq. People confuse the Devolt Nazi as the common solider. Wrong....
3) The SS were monsters and were behind many war crimes, and modern NEO-Nazi's, Skin Heads, White Supremists, KKK and so on acting the same way today.
4) This movie show just how the evil of the Nazis has continiued, CHILDREN raised to believe that way.
5) I am a Vet of the Gulf War, Somalia, and I will say that war is horrible and unless you have been there dont you dare make comments on it. I dont agree with what is going on in Iraq, by the US or the Iraqi militants, but the again WAR SUCKS
6) The US has commeitted as many crimes of war as any one else but when you are the winner of the war you get away free. The HOLOCAUST of WW2 did affect the Jews, but also the Gypsies, Muslims, Cristians, the tribal nations of Africa, The people of Japan,(civilians who had a worse act of terror then 911)

The wolf




that explains me tho...wat abt u?!

i believe in ppl dyin,i believe in ppl cryin i believe in ppl h8in



Black people were more badly treated in the US than by the Nazi's.
At least one black person won the iron cross 2nd class, and the leader of the anti-nazi resistance in Cologne was black.


Truth of the matter is that the Nazis did explore Tibet to find proof of an Aryan Race.


Agree with the orginal poster: this stupid worn-out nazi kliche IS getting boring already.

What is this.....the umpteenth time a "nazi wants to take over the world"?!

Do us a favor, scriptwriters, and make up some *slightly* more contemporate villains - if you haveany imagination left at all.

I wouldn't want to see a movie where nazism as such is portrayed as good, because it wasn't. Having said that, portraying individual germans in NS-Germany as individuals is hardly a bad idea....


Despite what they did to the jewish, black and all the other non "aryan" people 60 years back? What are you? a stupid whiteboy nazi yourself? Ugly *beep*
