It was rape, but

throughout the movie, women are treated like objects.. straight from the start, the office girls, the girls he sleeps with, the porn, the easy girls in the dates. I can keep going.

But when he gets "raped", all of that doesn't count and now you want fair rules in the same court. You tools are nothing, but delusional.

He got sex when he didn't want to, so what? Yes it was basically rape, but here's the deal, it doesn't have as much as an impact as it would to a woman. don't start claiming that he deserved to be treated like a woman, because I'm sure you had no issues with the rest of the movie.

pretty simple concept here, if you still can't understand it, you're a moron.


In the eyes of the law rape is defined as "non-consensual sex with penial insertion."

Hence - it was NOT rape as a woman cannot engage in oenial insertion on a man.

At the most it IS sexual assault.


You're a really terrible human-being, but THANK YOU for your honesty. THANK YOU for demonstrating what many of us have long suspected, which is that there is a small number of very militant 'feminists' who *despise* men and believe that any abuse that happens to men, or even boys, including rape (and fwiw, I have been on the receiving end of sexual assaults, including an attempted rape), are either 'deserved' or 'don't matter'.

I despise the objectification of women, but to argue that consensual sex or even low-level sexual harassment is akin to serious SEXUAL ASSAULT (and let's for the sake of argument say it was 'rape', technicalities be damned, because the reality is, it would have had the same traumatic impact as *rape*), is female supremacy at its most abhorrent and messed-up.

Are you a woman? Or perhaps you're a particularly privileged male simp who's never suffered abuse. My hunch is you're the latter, and in fact also an abuser of women (most simps are, look at major Hillary supporter and women's charity benefactor, Harvey Weinstein, for instance). I am NOT a simp. Do you know why? Because I have been the victim of sexual abuse (not the abuser), from women and men, and so it is NOT I, who should feel guilty or beholden to anyone else, and anyone who argues otherwise is a VICTIM-BLAMING asshole/POS, and NOT a good person. 😠
