
I don’t understand why are the Borat movies so praised while Freddy got Fingered is panned and hated by critics? When fgf is essentially the same type comedy and did what Borat does but did it first. I think Freddy got fingered is so much better and funnier than Borat. Whose with me?


Yeah....but let's face it, FGF is funnier than most highly-praised lamestream comedies anyhow?
Although the recent 'Borat' sequel has lessened my love for both the character (and original movie) Shame it was agenda-driven, this time round.

FGF is way ahead of it's time (and it put comedy first) To be fair, they hasn't been many gross-out comedies (without agendas) released since?


I think part of why people like Brat is because he went after real-world racists and politicians. There was more going on than gross out comedy.


The first Borat is only funny at first then after a while it gets repetitive and annoying. The sequel was a disappointment to me, the daughter carried the movie. Didn't think it was funny besides maybe 1 or 2 scenes


I wasn’t a huge fan of Borat either but that is the reason why that movie is more popular than FGF.


Borat is actually funny and clever with good acting and writing. Freddy Got Fingered is poorly made, unfunny trash.
