MovieChat Forums > Equilibrium (2002) Discussion > Gun Kata is Awesomeness Incarnate!

Gun Kata is Awesomeness Incarnate!

Saw this movie last night for the very first time.

The gun Kata's are just so elegant and simply mind blowing.
From the very first scene where this door is kicked down in such an over the top and probably physically impossible way.... I just checked logic and reality at the door and dove straight into the visual smorgasbord of sleek, incredibly tailored suit, awesome actor and mind blowing gun Kata action.

Man, who gives a flying fvck if this is not realistic, plausible or if it's covered in plot holes. Who cares that is was full of men dressed in sleek black wearing biker helmets for no reason whatsoever. It added something to the visual atmosphere (and probably saved them a ton of money in the process as well!).

It was like watching elegant dancing with guns!!!!!
(I even accidentally said "Ole" out loud one time :P)

A masterpiece in my opinion.


What is awesome and entertaining about watching a guy stand in the middle of a room waving guns around? I found it boring and COMPLETLY ridiculous. I can suspend disbelief, but I cannot turn my brain off, which is what is required to appreciate that steaming pile of cinema manure.


Come on man. He jukes the bullets, just like the Matrix!


Not by the movies own logic he doesn't. He uses statistical probability to determine where the bullets will fly and stand still where they statistically wont(for the most part).
In reality and any coherent, not retarded, scifi reality, the statistical probability is that you will get fuhking shot. It might be "spray and pray", but death would happen.
Even if it were "like the matrix"(it's not, except that it stole from it gratuitously) I would rather just watch the matrix instead of this piggyback failed potboiler.


Dodging bullets by any other name is still nonsense. And I don't think that mathematically determining the trajectory of the bullets fired by a room full of machine gun wielding guys sounds more plausible. Although their insistence on leaving their dark tinted motorcycle helmets on may lead to poor accuracy.


>> Although their insistence on leaving their dark tinted motorcycle helmets on may lead to poor accuracy.

It's called Stormtrooper Disease. :-)





The gun kata makes sense. Katas have been based on other weapons so why not guns?


Damn. Some long sticks are shoved up some tight asses around here.
