Hasnt aged well

Action/Sci-fi films like Aliens, Terminator 2, and The Matrix (all of which came before this), have aged gracfully like fine wine... his however, not so much. And when I was a kid I LOVED this movie. As an adult, it's lacking.


The Matrix (not quite an original movie either - and you mentioned only sequels) has not aged that well, especially not the computer graphics they used.

Equilibrium in itself was a ripoff of other movies - so I'm not surprised that it showed its aged... one year after it was made even.


It looks a bit cheap, some of that early CGI is really noticeable by now, but it's still enjoyable, at least those gun plays.


The aforementioned movies were groundbreaking in many ways, whereas this movie didn't do anything original in terms of visual effects and storytelling. So, not really a fair comparison.

That being said, the one effect in this movie that looks really unconvincing now, is Brandt's sliced face. In addition to that one, the movie sort of has that Syfy movie channel look. But overall, it's still a fine looking movie to me (and those gun fights are as impressive as ever).

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!



It was never a masterpiece despite some cool fighting scenes.
On the other hand it's no more silly than all those kindergarten dystopias the kids love these days: Hunger Games, Divergent and so on...


The ideas are sort of interesting, but it's not as smart as it wants to be. And the 'gun kata' thing is not that cool looking.


I can't believe what I'm reading here in the comments. This movie fucking ROCKS!


Ikr - its 1984 meets The frickin Matrix starring Christian Bale and Sean Bean! (with Sean Pertwee as Big Brother and Robert the Bruce as the villain, hell there's even William Fichtner!)
